Chapter 1 My hot teacher pt. 1

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3 days before the zombies took over Hyosan High School

Y/n woke up looking at the time seeing she had enough time to do her morning routine she stood up and walked to the bathroom and did her morning routine she went to her room and changed to her school uniform she went to the living room not seeing her brother she sighed in annoyance before walking to her brothers room

She opened the door seeing her brother tangled up in his covers "Kim Jung-jae!" Y/n called making her brother shoot up "I'm awake." He said in the process before looking at his older sister (they're twins but Y/n is 4 minutes older) "What are you doing in my room? No girls allowed!" Jung-jae said

"Do you want to be late for school?" Y/n asked "You just want to be there earlier so you can see ms Park." Jung-jae teased with a smile making Y/n roll her eyes and walk out "I forgot to tell you, Gyeong-su is gonna walk with me today." Y/n said loud enough for Jung-jae to hear she smirked when she heard him fall out of his bed trying to find his uniform

"I'm getting ready, i..don't want to be late. Yeah, i don't want to be late." Jung-jae said Y/n sarcastically nodded and went to the kitchen "No,no. I'll do breakfast and you sit down." Jung-jae said "You think being the nice, little brother would bring me to hang out with Gyeong-su here?" Y/n asked

"No, of course not. You always made us breakfast, now it's my turn." Jung-jae said Y/n looked at him seeing he's telling the truth "Okay." Y/n sighed sitting down on a chair she took out her phone and started texting with Gyeong-su and Cheong-san in their group chat after a few minutes Jung-jae finished making pancakes he placed them on plates

He put one plate in front of his older sister and put one down for himself he sat down and they started eating "Who are you texting?" Jung-jae asked "Cheong-san and Gyeong-su." Y/n said "What are you talking about?" He asked "My little brother." Y/n said giggling as Gyeong-su wrote a text about how much he likes Jung-jae

"But i'm your only brother." Jung-jae said making Y/n look at him and laugh slightly "Oh, you're talking about me." Jung-jae said "I'm sorry, brother, but Gyeong-su has a crush." Y/n said "W-what?" Jung-jae asked with a sad look Y/n looked at her brother's sad face and regretted saying it "You know that person." Y/n said

"It's I-sak, i know." Jung-jae said before he finished and put his plate away Y/n put her plate away as well before the bell rung making Y/n walk to the door and open it "Y/n!" Cheong-san cheered "Hi, Y/n." On-jo greeted "Where's Jung-jae?" Gyeong-su asked

"Cheong-san! Hi, On-jo. He's coming." Y/n said "Here." Jung-jae said Y/n grabbed her bag and went out Jung-jae did the same they walked to school On-jo and Y/n walked together talking about Nam-ra and the boys talked about something else


I don't know

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