After Danzo was arrested, everything turned back to normal.
The uchihas were freed. Minato's title as hokage was returned and thus began the big celebration.

Rin hugged Obito and Obito returned the hug.
I am so glad that you are alive. Rin said in the verge of tears.
I am here Rin. Don't cry anymore. Obito caressed Rin's cheek.
When they wanted to kiss, Kakashi, Yahiko, Konan and Nagato came closer to them.
I am so glad for you Obito ! Yahiko grinned.
Who are you exactly ? Kakashi asked.
Oh I am Yahiko. The leader of the Akatsuki. And these two are my closest friends Konan and Nagato.
As soon as we heared about Obito we rushed to the village to save him. Yahiko said.
Thank you for that. Thanks to you our Obito is still alive. Kakashi smiled under his mask.
So Obito made some friends while he was gone ? I am so happy to hear that. Rin smiled.
Who might you be little girl ? Yahiko leaned down to take a better look at Rin.
I-I am Rin Nohara. Nice to meet you. Rin said shily.
Nice to meet you as well. Yahiko ruffled her hair.
And you must be....
Kakashi Hatake. Kakashi said.
Oh you must be that Obito's greatest rival. He was calling you Bakashi right ? Yahiko asked.
Yeah he still does. Kakashi sweatdropped.
Without Rin noticing, Obito did walked closer to Konan and they started chatting.
Who might that woman be ? She is pretty. But why is Obito smiling at her ? What was their relationship ?
I hope there was not something between them ! Rin started panicking.
Konan long time no see. I see that you did matured a lot. But you still didn't beat me at height. Obito chuckled.
Shut up you worthless fool. Konan said darkly.
What did you just said ?! You rude woman ! Obito snapped at her.
They are at it again. Nagato sweatdropped.
Ummm Yahiko can I ask you ? What si the relationship between them ? Rin asked Yahiko.
Oh Konan and Obito. Let's see....
They don't like each other that much. Yahiko nervously chuckled.
Yahiko I think we weren't suppose to let this uchiha alive. Konan said as she pointed at Obito.
How dare you ! I dare you to say it again paper girl ! Let's settle this once and for all ! Obito cracked his knuckles as he activated his sharingan.
Very well then. I will not go easy on you brat. Konan said as she stood in fighting position.
Rin only blinked and then smiled.
Oh I see. They are getting along so well.
How ?! Both Obito and Konan asked.
Hey I have an idea. Why don't we all go for some drinks ?
We can all talk with each other. And since you guys haven't seen Obito for such a long time I am sure you want to talk with him. Rin suggested.
Yeah that's good idea. Yahiko said.

They sat at the big table.
Obito, Rin and Kakashi were sitting next to each other while in front of them were sitting Yahiko, Konan and Nagato.
Yahiko was facing Obito.
Konan was facing Rin.
And Kakashi was facing Nagato.
So Rin you are Obito's girlfriend right ? Yahiko asked.
Both Obito and Rin blushed as Kakashi only sighed.
Y-yes I mean I am now. But how do you know that Yahiko ?
Obito was talking about you a lot. When he was sleeping he was muttering Rin Rin in his sleep a lot. Yahiko chuckled as he had pressed his hand on his palm.
Yahiko you don't need to say that much ! Obito yelled feeling embarrassed.
Obito you were thinking about me ? All this time ? Rin put her hand on top of Obito's.
She was staring at Obito with her eyes filled in love.
Y-yeah. You don't need to look at me like this. I am embarrassed. Obito hide his face in his hands.
Yahiko gave them a dumb look.
Eh ? I thought you two were already dating.
There is still a long way to go. They are that type of couple that will blush just by holding hands. Kakashi said bored.
No we are not ! Obito and Rin said at the same time.
Kakashi you keep your mouth shut ! Or I will beat you up ! Obito yelled.
Obito calm down. There are people here. Rin tried to calm down Obito.
He hasn't changed. Kakashi said.
Haha you guys are funny.
Good for you Obito to finally have a girlfriend. Yahiko said.
What are you talking about Yahiko ? You have a girlfriend too. Right Konan ? Nagato asked.
Baka ! Nagato why did you told them ?! Yahiko pouted.
No way. You and Konan are dating ? Obito was suprised.
Y-yeah we've been dating since few days ago you left. A lot of time passed already. Yahiko scratched his cheek.
Hmm you guys I am so happy for you. Konan I am happy you finally found someone. Obito teased.
I am suprised that someone actually wanted you. Konan said bluntly.
I dare you to say it again you dumb woman ! Obito grabbed the collar of her cloak.
Who is dumb here ? Konan grabbed the collar of Obito's kimono.
Now now guys no fighting. Rin and Yahiko said to their lovers.
Obito, Konan is a woman you know. You can't just start a fight with her. Rin said to Obito.
She is far away from being a woman !
You haven't seen how evil she can be yet ! She almost killed me ! Obito pointed at Konan while he kept yelling.
So Yahiko you are leader of this so called Akatsuki right ? Kakashi finally asked.
Yahiko turned his attention to Kakashi.
Yeah I am. Even though I wanted Obito to become the leader. 

I think I love you more ( Obito x Rin ) Where stories live. Discover now