Chapter 3: RUN!!!

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Me, Neveah, Preston, Ashton, and Jayden were walking to the skate park while we were walking. I kept hearing voices in my head. i don't know what the voices were but all i could hear were people talking like i could hear everyone's thoughts. The voices drove me crazy. I dropped to the ground in madness. I kept yelling "GET OUT OF MY HEAD" over and over again.

"Aaron, what's wrong, why are you saying that?" Jayden said kneeling near me.

"THE VOICES IIN MY HEAD,'' I said, covering my ears to try and stop the voices.

I opened my eyes and looked at Jayden, once I looked at him the voices slowly went away and something about him just comforted me.

"Aaron are you ok? Can you still hear the voices" Jayden asked while helping me get up

"N-no they're gone i can't hear them now," i said still looking at Jayden

There's something about Jayden that makes me feel better anytime I'm with him and comforts me. His dark blue eyes gave off a warm comforting feeling. I can't stop thinking about when i first met Jayden. I could never forget how nice and comforting he was. I was like 6 when I met Jayden and now I'm 16 years old and still remember all the details of when we first met.

Jayden picked me up, hugged me, and said "I'm here for you always, ok so please if there's anything you want to tell me or ask me just say ok." Those words to me meant a lot to me because when my father died he said the same thing, and ever since I've felt this bond or connection with him. I hug Jayden back, putting my head into his chest crying, then Jayden lets go of me and I let go of him and wipe more tears off my face. I look back at Neveah, Ashton, and Preston and notice a police officer looking at us and talking to his talkie and I read his mind he was calling back up because he noticed me off of the news.

"Guys we need to go now," i told everyone

"Why, whats..." Preston looks behind him to see a police officer walking towards us "he's right we need to go, there's a police officer" after Preston said that everyone looks at the officer, and then we see red and blue light off into the distance we hear a soft siren coming from the light.

"RUN!!!" I yelled running into the forest behind us. Jayden is running next to me Preston nevah and Ashton are behind us running. We hear the police officer yell "Kids come back here" and then we hear gunshots coming from where the officer was, all the shots missed but one. We stopped running cause we heard something like something got hit and we saw Neveah tumble to the ground. I, Jayden Ashton, and Preston run towards Neveah to see if she's ok.

"NEVEAH" we hear Preston yell falling to the ground "Neveah are you ok are you hurt," Preston asked her crying

"No, it barely hurts," Neveah said, getting back up.

I noticed right away the bullet that hit her deflected off of her and hit a tree. Then i remembered one of my friends will have the ability to control metal

"Guy remember what Mrs.Birch said in the prophecy i won't be on my journey alone i will have four friends by my side," i said telling everyone

"Do you mean me, Ashton, Nevaeh, and Jayden?" Preston said

"Yes because you are the four friends on the journey and each and every one of you has powers. One of you have the ability to control or create ice, one of you can control fire, one of you can control metal which is Neveah and i don't know what the fourth person powers were," i said to everyone

"So you mean i can control metal..." Neveah said

"Guys was that there before," Jayden said staring at a school

"Let's go check it out," Ashton said

We walked to the front of the school to see what the school was called. While we were walking Jayden held my hand and looked at me.

"You know, when we were kids I've always liked you and I still do," Jayden whispered.

I looked deeply into Jayden's cold blue eyes and read his mind and realized he was telling the truth but he didn't like me as a friend he liked me...

"It's here it's called the school for the gifted" Ashton said

"For the gifted... oh you mean people with supernatural gifts like us. 1500 years ago there was a man named Charles Xavier the founder of this school and the x-men... wow history class taught me a lot" Neveah said with excitement

"Welcome kids, i guess you're here because you have gifts, yes," a man said coming from the school

"Who, who are you," i asked the man

"Me, I'm a teacher here you couldn't tell? Anywho, I can tell you guys are gifted..." the man said staring at us. "Come, come with me," the man said walking into the school.

We followed the man into the school where there were kids in the hallways going to their classes. I looked to my left to see a girl with these beautiful angelic wings.

"Children right this way," the man said heading to the back of the school.

We kept following the man to the playground. There was a big grass field and a basketball court.

"Wow this place is big," Preston said

"Did you see that girl with those wings?" Neveah said

"Now children were here," the man said

"The grass field? Why here" Jayden asked the man

"Here is where you're going to show me your powers even if you don't know how to use your powers." the man said "now shall we get started with you," the man said pointing at me.

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