Deaths clutches

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You were able to block a couple of her attacks but not all. You Knew that in order to get the upper hand you were going to have to get hit a couple of times. 

Digging her foot into the ground she was able to hit your chest making the air in yo it lungs leave quicker than they came. You hit the wall bit she didn't stop. Blood coated the grass like paint that they put on the field at foot ball games. 

" That's not even a guy!" She exclaimed as your vision started to blur. 

" That's a fucking woman. She's just confused that's all. And once I'm done with her I'll-" 

Cole could only hear a gargling sounds. It was too close for comfort. It was as if someone was drowning. He felt tears prick his eyes, Maybe it was fate for him to die. Would you be sad? Would you cry? He closed his eyes not being able to stand looking at the dark sky that mocked him.

The gargles soon died down. Along with the light feeling. Was he dead?

Opening his eyes he looked up only to see you. The sound of your shoes clicking against the floor signaled that you were now on the porch. Kicking the already cracked open door you laid him on the clinch, not even bothering to take your shoes off.

" Y/n?" 

" Don't talk." You said firmly. 

" But-" 

" I'll be here when you wake up. I'll call the dojo."

Standing up you knew that you were going to be the last thing he saw. And hopefully the first thing he would see when he woke up. 

Calling 911 you gave them the information before going outside. There she laid lifelessly, a gaping hole in her chest that oozed out blood, like a cup of water that had tipped over.

Sitting on the porch you sat there until you seen the red lights. Standing up you walked down the stairs as the familiar car pulled up along with an ambulance. The door opened and out came Kureha. 

You furrowed your eyebrows seeing the tall man. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked him. 

You could see relief in his eyes seeing that you were okay. 

" When we got the call I had to come. I couldn't let you get hurt."

" Too late for that." You snickered making him glare at you. 

" But I need help with my friend. He's my roommate, he was in the crossfire." You claimed pointing at the dead female. 

Kureha nodded his head. Following you into your home as well as a few police officers. 

" You know you won't be able to stay here for a while ma'am." One of the officers said. 

You nodded. "I know, after this I'm not sure if I can live with her anymore either way." You said to yourself before walking away. 

Reporters were already at the scene just after the body was removed.  You were told that Cole would be in the hospital for a few days.

You stood outside as Cole was placed inside of the ambulance. The loud sirens getting quieter and quieter as the vehicle sped off. 

" Y/n?" Turning around you faced Kureha. A worried look etched on his face. 

" Let me take you home with me. You holiday spend the night here. One of the other inmates could have seen the news." He whispered, his voice barely heard over the chirping of the crickets.

" It's fine, I don't want to be a burden anyway. I'll probably take a walk or something and clear my head." 

The red headed man nodded slowly. " If that's what you want then fine. Just know I'm here." Petting your head he gave you a Chaste kiss before leaving. 

Grabbing a Jacket you locked up before leaving the bloodied porch. 

You walked around for about fifteen minutes before you spotted a part. It was similar to the one you had back home. Sitting on one of the swings you rocked the seat back and forth keeping your feet planted on the ground. 

The bright moon shined down on you showing your shadow that mirrored your action. But it seemed to flee when something or someone much larger over shadowed you. 

Looking over your shoulder you were surprised to see him.

" Y/n, what a surprise." He spoke up leaning on the pile of one of the swing sets.

" What do you want Yujiro?" You asked going back to rocking your seat back and forth until he grabbed the chains from behind you. Halting your actions in the process. 

" I didn't think you had it in ya to kill that girl." 

" Well I guess I'm just full of surprises." You pulled out your phone but before you could even unlock it it was snatched from your clutches.

" What the hell?!" 

Smirking down at you he shoved the device in his pocket before turning around and walking away. 

Standing up from your swing a tic mark appeared on your forehead.

" Are you coming?" Yujiro asked looking over his shoulder. 

" Can I have my phone back?" You asked moving around the swing, walking towards him.

" Maybe....If you follow me I'll consider it." 

" Fine then lead the way."

Sweet as candy ( Yandere Baki various x Black reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin