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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ this story contains smut,rape,sex slave,
Ok so this story is a steddie one because why not and this is a smut book because I don't have anything to do and I'm bored and I'm listening to the Hamilton sound track so I have
Motivation for this story and the story is going to be kinda long but not to long  ok we will get into the story
Bottom Steve
Top Eddie

No one's POV
Eddie  was just walking in an alleyway and all he  did was walk he did not do any thing wrong and he  feel like someone is  watching him so he looks around and all he hears is the bush move  And what he does is he turned around again and he gets scared so he starts to run and  then he hears someone running after him so he starts runnning faster and then person jumped on him so he falls and says  "ow your so rude" and the person says "I finally got you" and Eddie's eyes widen and says "why do you eant me what did I do to you" and the person says "you are going to stay away from Steve or boss is going to let me do something to you" and Eddie says "no you can have me stay away from him" so the guy says "then I will have to take you into boss and get my permission to do something to you my lover " Eddie's eyes start to get watery and he try's to squirm but he can't because of the other guys grip on his hands.
The guy drags his [lover] to his boss and when the guy gets there eddies eyes widen as the other guy grabs a hand full of his hair and has him lean back on his knees and the boss says "you finally caught him and he disagreed on staying away from my Steve " Eddie says "I'm sorry pls don't hurt me I have not done anything to piss anyone off I'm sorry please let me go what are you going to do to me " the boss says " my little friend right here will show you what will exactly happen" the boss pulls out a gag (I think that's what it's called) and chains "you will be our sex slave" the boss spits out  Eddie's eyes widen "no you can't do that please don't please I beg you"Eddie says as the boss smirks "drag the guy to the dungeon and do what i say" the boss says as the person drags  Eddie to the dungeon.
The person puts the gag  on Eddie as Eddie crys when Eddie starts crying the person undressed Eddie and tied him up on the wall spreading his legs and arm and the pet brings out a dildo and Eddie sobs harder as the person grabs the dildo he walks to Eddie saying "it will only hurt for  a second " and all Eddie can do is sit there and sob and the person sits down and sticks the dildo up his entrance and Eddie streams as loud as he can so all he can to is just sit there and cry when he is gettting raped by someone and being turned into a sex slave from the boss of this place and so when he was being raped the person bring him down unchaining him and puts a collar on him and leash so he is just crawling out of the room on a leash with no clothes on so the person is dragging Eddie to the boss the boss says "bring him over here I wanna check him out" the person is dragging Eddie to where the boss is and the boss is checking him out and says"bring him closer i wanna see his body"so the person brings Eddie in front of him and the boss starts to round Eddie and then the person drags him onto the bosses lap and Eddie sees who the boss is and Eddie blushes because the boss was Steve .

Steve's POV
I take off my mask and say "nice body you have there eddie Munson "i see that eddie is crying and I wipe his tears and I touch his dick eddie moans and stops crying so I smirk and I start to kiss him and me and him make out for a little until I pin him down on the floor and start kissing down his body until i come down to his v line and start jerking Eddie off Eddie made to cutest sound ever (after he fucked eddie)

I'm sorry this is short but I need to get some sleep it's like 1:00 am in he morning and there is a couple things I wanted to say I'm probably going to discontinue the Byler story because I have nothing else to do with is anymore so all I'm going to do is continue with this book and not really care about the other one and btw thank you for viewing my story's and liking them because I worked really hard on them to do them anymore so thank you so much and I hope this blows up because I wanna write more for you guys but I don't want to write something that no one is going to even read because these story's take a shit load of time and I did not just write something for no one to read it. So I hope you liked the steddie story  i did for you guys because i don't think is any of this dose not blow up the littlest I will not post anymore because school is coming up in December and my vacation is coming up so I don't really need to be waiting my time on things that are not even worth it ok because I love making this story's for you guys but they don't even blow up my last story only got 11 views and it got me upset

(Words 1014)
Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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