02. new girl

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"my head itches."

"take the bandage off."

"i'm not supposed to."

"suffer, then."

ten seconds of peaceful silence in megumi's room. satsuki flicked over the page of her manga and adjusted the white medical eyepatch covering her right eye. or rather, the hole where it was supposed to be. the clock ticked, and birds chirped outside.

"my head it-"

she threw her manga at him. well, it was megumi's, she had just stolen it. he wheezed as it impacted his chest, and kicked out at her with his legs. she shrieked as he shoved his foot in her face, before she caught his ankles and started pulling him off his bed onto the floor.

"take the damn bandage off, if it itches so damn much!"


satsuki huffed as she sat back in her chair by megumi's bed, watching as he struggled to remove the bandage wrapped tight around his forehead. she flicked her fringe out of her remaining eye, tugging on the two small braids at the back of her head to make sure they were still in place after the play fight.

"i wanna go for a walk."

"i just sat back down!"

"let's go!"

she huffed once more, standing up as her blood red eye flashed with annoyance. "so spoiled, aren't you, megs! such a princess," she teased.

as she swung the door open and saw gojo at the end of the corridor, her amusement vanished and she deflated. megumi walked out shortly after, rubbing the back of his neck.

"hey, fushiguro!" next to gojo was itadori. so, he got in. "wow, you look all better now! and..." he trailed off, staring at the cute girl with choppy lavender hair and a blank expression.

"satsuki," she introduced herself shortly, but politely nonetheless. he noticed that she looked slightly uncomfortable, shifting about half her body behind megumi's. maybe she was shy?

"just satsuki?"

"just satsuki," she nodded.

"there's lots of other empty rooms y'know," megumi said, scowling at gojo.

"sure, but isn't it better to have some company?"

"classes and missions and satsuki are enough, the last one even too much."

"hey! rude!"

"this is not welcome," megumi brooded as itadori stuck his head inside his room, satsuki stepping aside to let him peek.

"woahoh, it's so organised in here!"

"back off. i just told you you're not welcome."

"don't be such a spoilsport," satsuki lectured, just as megumi slammed the door into the back of itadori's head.

gojo clapped his hands together in delight. "friends already! and together, we're heading out tomorrow. we're gonna go pick up the fourth and final first year!"

"better be a girl," satsuki muttered under her breath.

satsuki tapped the pads of her fingers against her thighs, sitting stiffly in the back of ijichi's car. then, impulsively, she leaned forward, sticking her head between the two front seats.

"are we almo-"

"two minutes from the destination," ijichi cut her off, tired of the same question every ten minutes or so. satsuki huffed and plopped back in her seat.

WHAT MAKES US HUMAN • yuuji itadoriWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt