"Oh! I had a feeling! I knew you had to be Yor's little brother when I served you and the director at the wirtshaus a few weeks ago! The name didn't match up, but of course, Yor is married so that makes sense. You look just like your sister, Mr. Briar."

Oh god oh godohgod! Yor is going to find out about my real job!

Turning to your sister, she carries on faster than you can figure out how to silence her. "You must be so proud to have an officer in the family, Yor! He looked absolutely dashing in his uniform."

Shifting to conceal your expression by standing behind Yor, you let the side you never want your sister to learn of peer through as you glare daggers at the young woman in front of you.

"Oh, I don't think that was Yuri. Yuri works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a diplomat. You're right though. I am very proud of him."

The pet Yor gives you along with the compliment melts every trace of animosity - for a brief moment at least - until this idiot woman dares to unveil your secrets again.

"Oh really? There aren't many people with beautiful red eyes and silky black hair like you, Yor, so I really thought it had to be your brother..."

The menacing look you give her this time is the one reserved for the traitorous scum you torture on the daily. As expected, it works instantly and she quickly backtracks.

"But I guess I was just so excited to meet the man who was certain to be as handsome as Yor is beautiful that I mistook someone else for you, Mr. Briar. I'm very sorry for the assumption..."

Before Yor turns to you to suggest taking a seat while she makes more tea, you shift into the smile you wear only for her. As long as you can keep her from knowing just how dirty your hands get, you'll be free to bask in her love forever. However, if she were to find out, you suspect she'd be so disappointed that she might never speak to you again.

With that thought in mind, your harsh gaze falls on the woman sitting across from you who is nervously thumbing the handle of the teacup in her palm. When her eyes flit up from the amber liquid to meet yours, she instantly looks elsewhere, biting her lip anxiously while trying to avoid your attention.

"So, how did you get to know my sister?" you query half out of concern for Yor and half to keep the awkward silence from stretching on long enough to become obvious.

"Oh, well, we're neighbours, you see..." she stumbles over her words. "And I moved to Berlint alone, so I wanted to make an effort to get to know more people. That's why I baked some desserts and introduced myself to everyone on the floor... Yor was one of the few people kind enough to invite me in for tea when I stopped by to say hello."

"I see. Why did you move to Berlint? Where did you live before? How many years were you there? What did you do for work? How many jobs have you had?"

"Uhh... I lived near Rostock, up on the Baltic Sea. I worked at the tourist resorts keeping house and things... I've been working on and off since I was ten - that's when my parents died, and I was put in an orphanage. They made us work our keep, so I can't recall how many different jobs I've had. Most of them were cleaning or cooking or the like. Domestic tasks, you know."

Matches the file description accurately. I suppose she has nothing to hide.

"You didn't answer my first question."

"Oh sorry! There were so many I forgot. What was it?"

"Why did you move here?" you reiterate evenly, yet your eyes narrow in frustration.

"The same reason everyone does, I suppose. Better opportunities." She shrugs and smiles before turning her attention to your approaching sister.

"Here's your tea, Yuri. Just how you like it," Yor smiles as she sets down your cup. "I made cookies too!"

2LT Briar [Yuri Briar x f.Reader - SPY x FAMILY]Where stories live. Discover now