Chapter 3

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It's been 2 days since you received your sword and uniform.

You debated on going to see your parents before setting off on your very first mission but decided against it.

I packed everything, triple checking to make sure I got everything.
I nodded to myself as I finished up.

"Ready for departure."
I said to myself.

I was finally going in for my first mission.


I've been walking for about 5 hours now and I finally arrived in a small run-down town.

It looked abandoned.
There were very few homes and a large run-down shrine at the top of the hill.

"What happened to this place?" I said out loud.

"The monster is back!!" A little girl screamed in fear as she fell back trying to run away from me.

I had a questioning look on my face as I looked around suddenly seeing multiple village people come out yelling a bunch of different things at once.

"Go back where you came from!"

"Leave you demon!"

"Haven't you taken enough lives already!?"

Everything suddenly became so overwhelming I fell to my knees and covered my ears.

"Stop, she isn't the one who we need to fend off." said a young woman's voice.

I looked up to see a girl with black hair with a white streak of hair.
She also had a cloth covering her eyes.

She proceeded to walk toward me they placed a hand on my left cheek as if to calm me down.
"I am very sorry about them. We have had a mysterious demon taking our village's people recently so they are a bit scared."
She spoke softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm here to solve that problem." I spoke, standing up quickly.

"I must thank you dearly for this." she smiles as she gave a small bow.
I then did the same.

"Please, all of you get some rest. I'll get rid of it." I said as all the village people flooded back into their homes.

The sun then started to set.
"First ill start by planting some wisteria around the area then I'll start hunting the demon down." I spoke to myself as I began to work.

After I was done planting the wisteria, I brought out my sword and began looking for the demon.

After a while, I started to see a black smoke trail.
"Never seen that before " I said as I followed it.

It then led me out a short way from the village to a small dark forest.

This forest was definitely hiding a demon inside.
Suddenly fog began to cover the area around me, clouding my vision.

It didn't take long for the demon to find me.
"Well well well, what brings you here little girl?" it snarled from the cover of darkness.

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