Chapter 3-Forgetting something?

Start from the beginning

'This isn't good, what type of idiot leaves there money at home when they go out..oh wait I do.' I frantically pat my back pockets with my right hand while my left death grips Levi's shirt. "Aha!" I reach into my back pocket and I pull out a five dollar bill. I knew I had some cash on me. Just as I go to put my newly found cash into my pocket a large gust of wind takes it out of my hand. "Eh?" I feel my whole entire happiness fade away as I see the five dollars get further away from me in the wind. I ball my right hand into a fist and I curse at the wind. The one time my paranoid theories were true.

"Oi I would recommend holding on with both hands, so you lessen the chance of falling off." Levi's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly notice that I only had one hand gripping onto Levi that was very close to slipping off.

"Ah! Thanks." I quickly wrap my right hand back around Levi's waist so I wouldn't fall. I can't help but look back at where the wind carried my money off to. I could have at least gotten food for myself with that. It wouldn't have been much food but still it would be something. Or even if I didn't have enough I could have given it to Levi for a tiny bit of gas money. It wouldn't be much but at least I would have been contributing. I guess I wouldn't really be here if I wasn't so nice and know when to say no. Honestly, I'm kinda glad I said yes. If I didn't I wouldn't have saw that old lady beat up that guy and I wouldn't have gotten to laugh about it with Isabel. Now that I think about it wasn't the person he was talking to named Isabel. I doubt it's the same person. I giggle at the thought of that cool old lady, for someone her age to beat up like a twenty year old man is funny.

"Hey (F/n)." Levi harshly says this as we come to a red light


"Y-Yes." I say this an very scarce voice.

"I'm pretty sure you heard my conversation on the phone so I might as well ask you where you want to go eat." Levi was blunt and got straight to the point.'Anywhere as long as it doesn't require any money.'

"Um, I want to go, (favourite fastfood place) i-if that's okay." I say this in wobbly tone of voice as if I'm some teenage boy going through puberty. I hear Levi mumble something but with the sound of the wind whipping and other cars it was hard to make out. But I was just wondering how I was going to even get any food.


"Hey we're here." as I heard Levi say this I feel my heart skip a beat. Thank god, If it took any longer to get here I think my stomach would have been a whole band to itself. I feel Levi unwrap my arms so that he could get up from the motorcycle. Once he's completely off he takes off his helmet, exposing his crow colored hair to the world. His hair was messy but it seemed like he didn't care at the moment. 'I should also get up before I get caught staring again.' Pushing myself off the bike I start to feel that my foot fell asleep. Then as my foot hit the ground the pins and needles started to commence. Lifting my foot off the ground I start to feel myself losing balance. 'Great, just great.' in attempt to regain my balance before I fall, I try to grab on to something on the bike but it was too late. Instead of an impact with the ground I feel a pair of arms lift me up and off the bike.

"You really are a handful." after saying this in his usual monotonous voice, Levi let's go of me. I quietly say, "Thanks" as I hand him the helmet I was wearing. I just hear him hum in response. I scratch the back of my neck and instantly I feel my (h/c) hair. I feel the rest of my head frantically for my beanie and I I feel is the untamed mane of a lion. I probably made my hair worse than I did before, sighing I start to look around the motorcycle for my beanie. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Levi staring at me. He had his helmet tucked under his arm and one hand strumming through his hair. His gray iris' met my (e/c) ones and instantly looked away. His face seemed more irritated but didn't look super mad. I raise an eyebrow at this but I just keep searching for my beanie so I can cover up my rat's nest on my head.

'It's probably in the helmet.' walking over to where Levi tossed the older helmet that I was forced to wear, I pick it up and look inside for my beanie. "Huh it's not here?" I shake the helmet and turn it upside down to make sure. I place the helmet down and start to walk around the whole bike, searching for my favourite beanie. I got on the ground and looked under the motorcycle, only to see nothing but concrete. No matter where I look, it's not there. Sighing I give up and I pinch the bridge of my nose. 'Krista is going to give me so much shit about losing that beanie.' Krista gave that to me when it was around christmas time and I've always been fond of it. I shake my head a tad bit, then I start to walk over towards Levi. He has his usual bored expression on his face but it seems to be irritated. When I get closer I notice that he has a drawstring bag on his back. How did I not notice that before? I honestly just shake it off, but out of curiosity I ask, "When did you have a drawstring bag." It didn't just appear out of thin air, right? He raises an thin eyebrow up at me and frowns.

"I hope that's not a serious question because if it is, it's a fucking stupid one." I frown when I hear him say this and I rub my arm a tad bit. "But yeah I had it the whole time, how do you think I was going to get the tea home with me." Levi voice is still harsh but has a semi soft tone to it, which makes me smile.

"Yeah, I guess with all the rushing out of the bookstore, I never noticed it. Dumb right?" I see Levi's eyes widen slightly at my words. He says nothing in response and just walks past me heading in the direction of the fast food restaurant.

"Hey ya coming or what?" I start to follow Levi once I hear this. Walking besides him I notice a group of girls walk out of the glass doors. Once they see Levi they start to giggle and point at him. Levi just seems irritated by them and ignores the loud giggles. Once the group of girls see me, the giggles go down and I get a nasty stare from one of them. I shoot the girl a nasty glare back, and then I start to feel childish. ' I bet Levi gets that a lot from girls' I think this as we get to the glass doors. Levi being a gentleman, opens the door for me and lets me walk through. He also holds the door for an elderly lady and her grandchildren which makes me give him a smile. When he walks over to me he notices my childish grin plastered on my face.

"Tch what?" his grey eyes meet my (e/c) ones again and I just shake my head and smile.

"It's just that not everyday you see someone be an actual gentleman."

"Well today definitely isn't like every other day." I hear Levi remark.

"Yeah it really isn't" I chuckle a little thinking about how interesting my morning has been today. Also, I think about how much me and Levi talked, yeah it wasn't a lot but it's more than we ever say to each other at the cafe. So this morning is a A+ in my book.

"Hey we're going to eat in here, since I'm tired of hearing that animal you call a stomach." I touch my stomach lightly, feeling embarrassed. "I'll go find a booth or somethin' while you get in line and get what you want." Levi starts to walk over towards the booths and chairs and I grab on to his drawstring bag. This makes Levi stop right in his tracks and turn his head so he can see me.

"Eh, um how c-can I put this.." I stutter this out as he takes my hand off of his bag. I start to fiddle with my thumbs and I can feel a wave of nervousness wash over me. 'Okay I should have just called his name.' I feel myself smile dumbfoundedly and I scratch the back of my neck. "So you see.."


A/n~ HI I'm finally back on and this chapter is finally finished after like a super super long time. Sorry if it's not that great, I kinda rushed it near the end because I really wanted to get this chapter out. I also dedicated this chapter to StarSkyUniverse because they are totally amazing and have supported this book from the start and I was actually supposed to dedicated it to them last chapter but I'm an forgetful bastard. SO yeah chappie 3 is out now and leave a vote if you liked it and comment if you have any questions about the story or want to share. I'll see you next time!

Sweet Nothings (Modern!LevixReader)Where stories live. Discover now