As I was rushing to school, I couldn't help but squeal in happiness, I had gotten to watch her sleep up close, she said my cooking was good, and  she has my number! I couldn't help but smile, I need to go to the teachers lounge before classes and get the notes for my dear Alex~

Once I got the notes, I put them in a folder that was specialty for my Alex, it was full of lists that she likes, dislikes, her favorite food, to her favorite color, and I even have small polaroid pictures of her sleeping, eating, talking, or reading. I blush as I look at the pictures, and I even have a copy of her key to her house! I put the notes in the folder and I got ready for morning classes.

As I was doing that, a girl walked up to my desk, it is the same person who always talk to Alex during lunch, she's always waking her up and nagging her about her sleeping habits, as me and my Alex sit in the back row, this girl sits right in front of her, taking her notes for her, covering her for her cleaning day, I narrow my eyes at her but I give out a smile

???: Hey do you know if Alex is alright?

Me: I cocked my head to the side I'm sorry, who are you?

Katie: Oh, my name is Katie, I'm her friend and I sit in front of her in class

Me: I gave out a nod Oh, yes Alex is alright she's just taking a couple of days off to heal

Katie: she slammed her hands on my desk Heal? Is she hurt?!

Me: I gave out an annoyed sigh I told you she's fine, she hurt her leg and she is resting at home the morning bell rang There's the bell, it's time for class

Katie eyed me up and down suspiciously but she finally left my desk and me alone, I gotten ready for my classes, but at the last minute, I felt my phone buzz, quickly I turned on my phone and saw who it was;

It was my darling Alex!

Hey, I finally got you in my phone
I just wanted to say hi

I could feel a smile creep up on my face, but I quickly put my phone away once I heard the teacher coming in the classroom


Alex's P.O.V.

I look at my phone and saw that Lily saw the message, I gave out a sigh, turned off my phone, and gave out a stretch. I was about halfway done with my homework so I decided to take a small break.

I lift myself with the couch and wobbled myself to the cupboard and grabbed a couple of bags of chips and went back to the couch. I plop down and sank into the cushions satisfied with myself right now. I turn on the TV and flipped to the cartoon channel and just started watching it. This lasted until lunch.


Lily's P.O.V.

The lunch bell came and I immediately whipped out my phone and typed out a message for my dear Alex

Hey! it's lunchtime here
Please wait a little more school is almost done
Darling 💘
Alright, I can wait a little more
Is there anything you need so I can get it on the way home?
Darling 💘
No I don't think so
Alright just text me if you need anything!
Darling 💘

A smile formed on my face as I re-read the messages over and over again, but my happiness was interrupted by this Katie girl again

Katie: Hey, I want to visit Alex after school, and I talked to the teacher and I found out that you are taking care of her I let out a low tsk I was wondering if I could accompany you..?

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