;; denial

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1. refusal to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion or to admit it into consciousness, used as a defence mechanism .


akane wasnt necessarily the type to let anything get in his way , capital b But this stupid little thought kept on occupying his minds free time .

the next day was nothing unusual . same lessons , same people , same confessions , (not-so) same points . it was repetitive in a good way . repetition ; one of the constants in akanes life .

okay , now we're in the present ! ft. akane , teru and stacks of papers . 

' the budget reports .. and then the bulletin draft agai- ' this thought was cut off by obnoxiously loud whistling coming from none other than terus mouth . akane felt a vein pop .

" hey , president ? shut up . your whistling is annoying . " seriously , he wanted to zip those pretty lips shut .

" oh ? my, aoi .. are we forgetting to respect our elders again ? i believe you are aware of this schools hierarchy ? " teru responded by gesturing to his encased sword . that seemed to keep akane quiet . the former never stopped . the latter was , once again , losing his mind .

soon after the silence , they finished up . teru went home . akane was worked like a dog for mirai and kako . such was the repetition . he went home too . 

he wished his picture of aoi a good night .

he couldnt sleep .

the thought came creeping back .

' okay , well .. why do you even like aoi ? ' thats simple. we fought once and she started crying and i thought she looked cu- ' is that really why ? something as basic as that ? you were 5 . ' okay , it is , and ? there are many more reasons as to why i love her . now shut up . ' give me some then . ' well , she cares about the people around her- ' how do you know that ? ' i just do . she doesnt hold grudges and is always spreading positive energy ! shes just ... everything nice . 

' what has she done for you ? ' .. what ? ' what has she possibly done to make you adore that girl as much as you do ? ' thats stupid . she .. she ... ' she rejects you every single time you project your love onto her , no thoughts behind that beautiful little head no doubt . ' .. ugh ... okay . listen . you are my mind . my thoughts . and as your owner , i need you to shut . up . i love her . end of conversation . now let me sleep , dammit .

' you know theres no reason . good night . '

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