;; time and space

213 10 4


1. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole .


you learn something new every day . todays learning is to never let akane aoi sort papers, in the student council room, on his own (like the little loner he is /j) unless you want him to question his life over the years .. because thats exactly what hes done, woohoo !

being alone sucks . and to add onto that sucking, he was alone sorting papers in the saddest room of all time . that was not the greatest thing for akane aoi . so naturally, he found himself wandering into his own thoughts (because thats normal, right ?) ;; he got 3 points on a confession from the love of his life, the day was nice and clear, he didnt see the mokke much and his greatest fear wasnt in the room ! so for akane, it shouldve been a good day ! not . he was so BORED . while everyone else was heading home or in after school club activities, yours truly was signing papers on his own ..

he was mid-yawn when a thought suddenly popped into his head : ' does she even love me ? do i even love her ?? should i really be investing my time into her ?? ' woah, wait a minute there . where was this all coming from ? aoi akane, his beloved, was amazing, the definition of perfect . she was lovely and generous, thoughtful and kind . the girl was beautiful, everything anyone would want in a partner ! so why was he questioning himself ? or maybe he was just tired .

yep, he was definitely just tired . after all, aoi had definitely done nothing wrong . and akane definitely loved her ! akanes mind was just messing with him, the little fucker . he was almost done with the papers anyway so he could finally go home . unless kako and mirai had more work for him to do, though he hoped to god they didnt .

(you may be wondering, wheres teru in all of this ? he went home early or something, i dont know ..)

a/n ;;

hihi idk what im doing anymore bare w me ,,
currently questioning y im writing this lols !!! ok byebye

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