Part 6: your dead Carver.

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"SHIT EDS! Wake up! We're late." I yelled as i shook  him awake. "I'm up,i'm up." He yawns. I run to my closet and pick out a simple outfit. A iron maiden shirt and jeans and a flannel.I quickly take my shirt off and look over too see Eddie staring at me smiling."like what you see handsome?" I laugh. He nods as i roll my eyes, i finish changing and yell at Eddie to change.

"Eddie! Get dressed we have to go!" I yell as grab my bag and head to my door. "Okay okay i'll be downstairs in a minute." I give him a thumbs up"5 minutes Eds. FIVE" i said as i shut my door and walked downstairs. "Morning dusty." I said as I grabbed a Poptart from my cabinet and started eating it.

"Morning y/n, uh shouldn't we be heading to school right now? It starts at 8:20 and its currently 7:56." Dustin said looking at his watch. "I know dustin. I'm just waiting for Eddie to get changed. LETS GO MUNSON!" I yell from the stairs. A second later Eddie comes downstairs. " took you long enough." I said with my arms crossed. "Yeah, yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes and we headed outside. "I'm driving." I said unlocking my car. "Dustin, back seat." I said with a straight face.he groans and sits in the back.

I park in front of the school and walk in with Eddie, holding his hand. I look around and everyone is just staring at me. "Its okay sweetheart. I'm right here." He whispered in my ear. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. The bell rang and i walked to my first class. I sat down and pulled out my notebook

All four classes went by really fast. I was walking to the lunch room and decided to sit at the Hellfire table with Eddie. I walk over to the table and  sat next to Dustin. "Hey dusty!" I said smiling."sup y/n." "uh who's this chick?" Asked one of the boys. Eddie looks over to him then back at me. "Gareth- this is y/n. My sister."dustin said. I wave shyly and smiled. Eddie rolled his eyes. " she's also my girlfriend but that doesn't matter to Dustin apparently." Everyones eyes widened. "Dude you never told me you had a girlfriend." Said Gareth with his hands up. I chuckled and pulled out my book and started reading.

"Get the fuck outta my way freak!" I closed my book and turned around and saw a tall blonde boy with a green and white jacket on. "Who the fuck is that?" I ask. "Thats Jason Carver. He got suspended for like a week, apparently he got into a fight with someone." Said another one of the hellfire guys. "He's a huge dick so don't even bother talking to him." Said dustin as he plopped a grape in his mouth. "Ah okay" i opened my book and started reading again. I look up from my book for a second and see Jason just staring at me. "Uhm guys why is Jason staring at me? Its kinda- creepy." I said still looking at him. They all shrug until Jason starts walking over to our table.

"Hey uhm are you new?" He asks. "Kinda. I was here last year." I said looking over at the table. They we're eying me and Jason. "Oh cool cool. Whats your name sweetheart?" "I'm y/n and you?"
"Jason, uhm do you maybe wanna grab coffee one day?" I look over at Eddie who looks like he's gonna punch him straight in the face. I look back and say"uh no thanks, i sorta have a boyfriend." I said with confidence. He nodded and walked away.I look at the group and we all just start laughing.

End of the day

The rest of the classes go by extremely slow but I managed to get through them. I told Eddie i wanted to walk home today because i needed alone time. I told Robin she could take my car to get to work, she said she'd bring it to school tomorrow. Eddie agreed and i told him he could come over around 5. I was walking home when i saw a car pull up next to me. "Hey y/n, hop in i'll give you a ride." I look over and see Jason and his friends. "No thanks i'm good." I said and walked off. The car engine turned off and someone got out of the car. "HEY!" I turned around and saw Jason walking over to me. " you think it was funny to humiliate me in front of those freaks?" He said angrily. "No i didn't say that i-" "yes you did. I looked back and you we're laughing at me. You think that shit was funny?" I nodded and smiled. A second later his fist connected with my face and i fell to the ground. He started kicking my stomach and then his friends came over and joined him too. He stopped for a moment and grabbed something from his pocket and held a knife to my throat."embarrass me like that again and your dead. You hear me?!??" He yells. I nodded and he let me go.

𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤♡︎-y/n x Eddie munsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora