𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5 | 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧

635 32 5

-of a color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.

School was finally over for this week. Packing up his stuff, before shutting his locker.

"It looks like it might rain?" Ike spoke, leaning against a locker while looking outside. "Yo, Pog! Rain!" Luca states, getting excited and looking out the window into the grey clouded sky.

Shu turns around, putting his bag around his shoulder before looking out the window.

"Did you bring a umbrella Luca?" Ike spoke, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow. Luca chuckled, shaking his head. "You should've expected that answer by now Ike" Vox timed in, holding his own umbrella.

"I thought he might consider bringing one this time" Ike spoke with a sigh. He glances over at Shu. "Do you have one?" Ike stated, tilting his head as he stops leaning on the locker.

Shu nodded, getting out a umbrella from his bag. Ike simply nodded. "Okay, I have to do my homework.. can you watch Luca so he doesn't do stupid things?" Ike asked, grabbing his umbrella, that was lean against the lockers.

Shu chuckles before nodding. They all walked towards the exit. They opened up their umbrella's as it started to rain when they got out the school building. Ike started heading home, while Vox and Mysta was going to someone else's house. Shu and Luca started to head to Luca's house.

Shu looks at the sky, taking one hand off the umbrella handle to feel the rain. In his eyes rain is like nonexistent or really any water. It was kind of scary. Not seeing water? Sometimes he doesn't even know if there's water on the ground, shower or bath.

Only if he made the water move, he could tell that water was there.

Luca excitedly looking at the sky and all of the scenery. Shu glances at Luca, slightly chuckling at his friend, which gained the overly hyper boys attention. "Why you laughing for!" Luca asked, crossing his arms with a pouty face.

Shu couldn't help but laugh, covering his mouth. Luca just whined, trying to make Shu stop laughing at him.

Until they stopped at Luca house. "Oh, well, see you next week?" Shu spoke, smiling softly at the big puppy Luca. "Wait! Could I stay the night at yours?" Luca asks.

"Oh? Yeah, sure" Shu spoke with a nod. Luca smiled brightly, before unlocking his house door. Luca's mother and Luca had a fast interaction as Luca quickly tried to pack to stay at Shu's house.

Shu patiently waited for Luca, politely declining the offer to come inside his house as his mother asked. Luca ran down the stairs, before coming back outside. "See you later mom!" He spoke, getting a 'Okay, have fun, love you' from his mother before he shut his front door.

Shu and Luca started walking to Shu's house now. Chatting about other normal kid stuff.

Stopping at Shu's house, he opened the door for the both of them. He knew his mother and dad wouldn't be home yet. So, for the next 2 hours they could relax with no supervision.

Shu pulled down his umbrella, putting it up against the wall near the front door. He slides of his shoes while Luca followed in his footsteps. "Where's your parents?" Luca spoke, as he looks around the house.

"Their still at work for another 2 hours" Shu spoke, as they headed upstairs and towards his bedroom. As they enter, Luca was in awe. Looking around his room and all the gaming consuls he have. The posters on his walls, the led lights with a whole pc set. With everything so neatly placed.

"What would you like to play?" Shu asked, taking off his school jacket and placed it over his gaming chair. "Valorant?" Luca stated, glancing at Shu with a smug smile.

Shu nodded, before sitting on his gaming chair. Luca grabbed out his laptop from his bag, as they both logged on the game.

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