chapter 15

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Soon the day had come to an end and Satoko had her head resting on Rika's chest as Rika softly stroked her hair, a lot of emotions had come out over the last 24 hours or so and Satoko was exhausted.
Rika, however, seemed quite tense still, Satoko's words must have really worried her, Satoko sighed guilt bubbling in her chest again.
Suddenly, Rika wrapped her arms round Satoko's head and pulled her close. "Shh, Satoko, you don't need to worry so much."
"Huh?" Satoko was baffled, how did Rika know?
"I could hear it in your breathing changing." Rika mumbled before returning to softly hushing Satoko.
Satoko closed her eyes letting out a deep sigh to try and release her worries as Rika held her close, almost cradling her head.
Satoko felt herself begining to drift off, tomorrow was to be their last day on holiday, she was sad to go but did miss home and miss her own, comfortable bed.

Satoko didn't dream at all that night and it was over almost before it had begun.
Satoko awoke to being snuggled into Rika's chest while Rika's arms were wrapped around her head and her legs were wrapped around her body, encasing Satoko.
Rika still seemed to be asleep, breathing softly, Satoko wondered how much later Rika fell asleep than her as Rika seemed incredibly tense last night.
Rika seemed much more relaxed now, in her sleep, yet, her grip on Satoko was still tight.
Satoko sighed wrapping her arms around Rika's waist and snuggling her face into Rika's chest more, she didn't really want to wake Rika and just wanted to enjoy being close like this for a second.
For all that Rika being worried about Satoko made her feel guilty, she did enjoy being coddled like this by Rika.
Rika shifted a little and mumbled something unintelligible before glancing down at Satoko and stroking her hair. "Morning, Satoko."
Satoko looked up to Rika's face and was greeted by a gentle smile. "Morning, Rika..." Satoko let out a big yawn before hiding her face in Rika's chest again.
Rika half chuckled, half sighed before shaking Satoko softly. "Satoko, we might want to jump into action today. We have to pack all our things before we can do anything else. We wanna be ready to go home this evening, right?"
Satoko mumbled burying her face further into Rika's chest, she didn't want to move. "Rika... Stop speaking to me like I'm a child..."
Rika stroked Satoko's hair giggling a little. "Stop behaving like one, then, and get up."
Satoko grunted a little in annoyance before releasing Rika from her grasp and sitting up. "There!"
Rika sat up after Satoko and quickly began taking action.
Satoko sighed, annoyed she couldn't have cuddled Rika for longer, nd followed Rika.

First the two got changed into their daytime clothes, Satoko, her orange hoodie and some jeans, Rika, a flowery shirt and a brown skirt with some thigh highs, then they began clearing out all their items from the cabin and putting them in their suitcases.

After not too long, Rika was finished packing all of her stuff and Satoko was down to her last item.
Satoko picked up her teddy bear, given to her by her nii-nii before he disappeared, and gave it a soft hug before placing it gently in her case. She turned around to find Rika watching her closely.
Rika gave her a soft smile. "You don't have to put that in your case if you don't want to. There's no shame in carrying it around."
Satoko stared down at her case before quickly taking the teddy bear out and zipping it without a word, causing Rika to chuckle in response.

Once they had packed the two, by Satoko's request, took a last moment in the cabin before locking it nd heading out, taking their cases and Satoko's teddy bear with them.

They handed their keys into reception before deciding they'd spend their last day walking in the forest.
It was a pleasant day and the trees provided perfect shade to make their walk and enjoyable experience for both, they spent the time idly wandering their arms linked as Satoko held her teddy bear in the hand of the arm linked with Rika's and they dragged their cases behind them. The pine trees that made up the forest gave of a pleasant smell which Satoko enjoyed as she closed her eyes to focus on the other sensations in the forest. The smell of the pine was powerful and Satoko could feel a slight breeze, keeping the temperature perfect. She could feel the pressure of Rika's arm in her's which added the warm tingly sensation of love to Satoko's senses which made her smile.
Soon Rika's voice interrupted Satoko's idle thoughts and she glanced over at her. "Hey, Satoko, why don't we sit on that bench for a little bit?" Rika enquired.
Satoko looked where Rika was gesturing to and saw a wooden bench tucked away beside the path in amongst the trees. She nodded in response, liking the idea, they had been walking for a while, a rest would be good.
The bench felt cool in comparison to the air as the two sat on it. They had placed their cases under the bench and Satoko took her teddy bear into her arms, leaning against the back of the bench as Rika leaned her head against her shoulder.
"I'm glad you invited me here." Rika mumbled snuggling into Satoko's shoulder a little.
Satoko nodded. "I'm glad you came with me! I was really nervous to ask you!"
Rika chuckled. "Awh, you're so anxious and easy to fluster. It's a wonder you haven't had a heart attack yet, the way you are!"
Satoko playfully nudged Rika. "Hey! I'll have you know, I handle that stuff very well!"
"Oh, really?"
"Are you sure?" without warning Rika leaned in close to Satoko and placed a soft kiss on Satoko's cheek, which left a tingling feeling in it's wake.
Satoko felt her face heat up and she slapped her hand onto her cheek, not sure how to react. "RIKA?"
Rika chuckled. "Hehe, told you!"
Satoko shot Rika a glare "H-hey! That wasn't fair! I wasn't ready!"
"That's the whole point." Rika grinned innocently.

The sun had began to set and the two were stood in the parking lot watching Mion's van pull up. As soon as it pulled up, Satoko and Rika climbed into the back, sitting close together once again.
Mion looked at them through the rear view mirror and raised a brow, chuckling. "So how was your romantic getaway, you two?"
"Our what?" both Satoko and Rika demanded in unison, their faces equally red.

AN: A little more light hearted than the previous, aha. Hope you enjoyed! See you in the next chapter!

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