chapter 10 (Wooohooo!)

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Satoko spent most of the evening staring up at Rika as she stroked Satoko's hair and the two made idle chit-chat while Rika watched the cameras groggigly looking out for any wild life.
Satoko found herself admiring Rika's sleepy features.
The content smile she wore on her face when tired, the way she was slightly slumped over Satoko and how her fingers softly slid through Satoko's hair as she half mumbled to her. Rika really had a new beauty to her when she was tired, and her long silky hair framed that tiredness perfectly, she was stunning to Satoko and Satoko knew she just couldn't exist without the beautiful, gentle, calming presence of Rika, her Rika.
Rika yawned a little taking one hand up to her mouth as Satoko watched her every move closely. "Do you think we should head to bed?" Rika spoke softly and sweetly to Satoko making her feel a fluttering in her stomach.
Satoko nodded. "An early night could be a good idea, we'll be fresher in the morning."
"Alright then, get up you little pampered princess." Rika chuckled.
Satoko pouted. "I'm taller then you."
"You're small in spirit." Rika pulled a smug expression.
Satoko pulled a baffled face "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Stop whining and get up so we can go to bed, Satoko." Rika sounded slightly fed up and Satoko took pity on her.
"S-sorry..." Satoko quickly got up quickly allowing Rika to follow.
"Don't be, you did nothing wrong." Rika yawned wrapping both her arms around one of Satoko's making Satoko feel flustered. Rika pulled Satoko to their bedroom. "I think it's my turn to use you as a pillow, you're all soft and you've gotten away with not being a pillow for too long!"
Satoko was quickly cut off by Rika almost tugging her into the doorframe. "Ah! Rika be careful! I may be soft but doorframes are hard and they hurt!"
Rika chuckled "Sorry, sorry."
Satoko sighed and thought 'it's fine, it's always fine. No matter what you do I'll forgive you...'
When they entered the room they each went to their own suitcase and got out their night clothes. They always wore the same thing to bed, Rika wore a pink night dress and Satoko wore a soft button up shirt and pants, both yellow.  
They finished changing, facing opposite walls, as the always had, and brushed their teeth. Satoko was done first so she snuggled into bed and waited for Rika, Satoko loved the fact that Rika would cuddle with her and not be put off by it or thinking it's weird. It was sweet. Satoko felt Rika's side of the bed dip and smiled to herself, such a beautiful girl as Rika shared a bed with her...
Rika tapped on Satoko's shoulder. "Can you lie on your back?"
Satoko rolled over to see Rika's soft face hanging over her and their eyes met, Satoko felt her cheeks heating up and was quick to avert her eyes. Rika never failed to have an incredibly powerful affect on Satoko.
Pretty much as soon as Satoko had lay on her back Rika lay her head on her chest and wrapped her arms and legs around her, Rika was laying ontop of Satoko and embracing her tightly. Satoko, almost by instinct brought one of her hands up to stroke Rika's head softly and placed her other upon Rika's back.
Satoko was incredibly flustered by laying like this with Rika and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She was certain Rika could hear it too as she had her head directly upon Satoko's chest.
"Your heart beat is really loud and really fast... It's nice to listen to and to feel but this isn't your normal pace, are you okay..?" Rika whispered softly so Satoko could barely hear her.
"I-I'm fine-! It's nothing to worry about..."
Rika sighed. "You sure? If it makes you feel any better, mine is beating really fast too..."
"Huh?" Satoko was baffled, what did Rika mean by that?
Rika ignored Satoko's confusion and instead squeezed Satoko tight and whispered "Good night... I hope both our dreams are sweet..."
Satoko knew that all she would be able to dream about, if she did get to sleep, would be Rika. So her dreams were definitely going to be very sweet... "Goodnight, I hope for the same..."  Satoko swore her brain must have short circuited in that moment as she found herself softly kissing the top of Rika's head. The two of them instantly flinched after the action. "S-sorry!" Satoko yelped, shocked at herself.
Rika was quick to respond by hugging Satoko even tighter. "No! Don't be! That, that was cute..."
Satoko felt flustered and unable to respond so instead she resumed stroking Rika's head softly.
Rika chuckled softly at this action.

Fairly soon Rika had fallen asleep and her breathing and heartbeat had settled down, meanwhile, Satoko felt as though she was fighting off a heart attack. She once again found herself admiring Rika's sleeping face, the soft expression she wore, her closed eyes and her slightly parted lips. It was all too beautiful for Satoko, she could barely comprehend that someone such as Rika was so close to someone such as Satoko. Satoko felt impure and impish in comparison to Rika, and yet, Rika didn't seem to view it the same way, Rika seemed to view Satoko as much sweeter of a sole than Satoko viewed herself.
Satoko let out a sigh, what did Rika see in her? She just felt like a burden to Rika. Rika shifted slightly in her sleep squeezing Satoko as she did, almost as though she knew what Satoko was thinking, even in her sleep, and was attempting to comfort her.
Satoko took this as a hint, there's no point in thinking such things, she should just enjoy Rika's treatment of her and not worry about it to much.

At this point Satoko had begun to grow tired and felt herself slowly begining to drift off.
As the warm comfort of her soon to be Rika filled dreams wrapped around her she heard Rika's voice speak, muffled by sleep.

"I love you, Satoko..."

An: sorry, that was once again a super mean chapter ending, I just can't help it lollllll. Anywho, see you in the next chapter!

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