"I love you too, Molly Hargrove."

And then Andy ran off, back to the car, and drove away, obviously forgetting about Jason.

Molly and Erica looked at one another, and then ran back into the house. They ran to the attic, but the door was locked. "Lucas!" Erica kept screaming, banging on the door. Molly brought her foot back, and slammed it against the door, making it break open.

They ran into the room and say Jason laying on the ground. And then, Max, laying in Lucas's arms. "No..." Molly whispered to herself, automatically starting to cry. "We need a doctor! Call an ambulance! Hurry, call an ambulance!" Lucas yelled, making Erica run out the door.

But Molly ran towards Max, and fell to her knees. "Molly...Lucas...."

"We're here. Yes, we're right here." Molly whispered back, holding her hand. "I...I can't feel or...see anything." Max replied, making Molly choke down a sob. "I know. I know. It's okay. We're gonna get you some help, okay? Just...just hold on." Lucas said, causing Molly to cry even more.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared. I'm so scared. I don't wanna die. I'm not ready." Max choked out. "You're not gonna die. Hang on." Molly said, feeling a lump in her throat.

Max was all she had left. Everyone else she loved was gone, she needed her. More than anything. "I don't wanna go! I'm not ready." Max said, crying. "You're not gonna die!"

"Just hang on. Max. Max! Max! No, no, no, Max. Stay with me. Max, stay with me!" Lucas pleaded, making Molly sit up more.

She help Max's hand tighter. "Maxine, please stay with me. Please, you're all I have left. Max, I need you! Please, just look at me, Max. I can't go on without you, please! Everyone's gone! I can't lose you and Billy, please." Molly called out, sobbing harder than ever before.

"Erica help!"

And then, silence. Max had stopped crying, and her eyes had gone even colder. "Max? Max, stay with us, please. No!" Molly yelled, before turning around, not being able to take in the sight.

Molly screamed, and she cried, and she didn't care who heard her. Her last sibling, gone. She didn't know what to do. Molly had lost Billy, Andy, and now Max.

But every thing got quiet when the earth started to shake. Molly knew something terrible had happened, and she wanted to blame herself.

24 hours later

"Molly! Molly I'm so sorry!" Dustin yelled as he ran up to the girl, pulling her into a hug. "I know. But she's, she's gonna be okay." Molly responded, smiling at him.

But when she looked up, her smile dropped. "Dustin...where's Eddie?" Molly asked, thinking the worst. "I'm...I'm sorry. He didn't make it." Dustin whispered, holding her hand.

"No...no there's...there's no way." Molly whispered to herself, but she knew Dustin heard her. "He died a hero Molly. You know that, right?"

"Of course...of course."

Two days later

Everyone was leaving Hawkins, because of the "earth quake" which wasn't true. The town was burning, crumbling to the ground.

At the moment, Molly was at the Wheeler's house, helping Nancy pack so she could leave for college. "Did someone order a pizza?" Mrs. Wheeler asked, making Molly turn around, confused.

But then, the door opened, and she couldn't help but smile. Will, El, Mike, Jonathan, and some guy Molly had never seen before, stepped out of the pizza van.

Molly ran as fast as she could towards Will, engulfing him in a hug. "Oh I missed you, Will Byers." She whispered into his neck, pulling away to give the boy, who was by now taller than her, a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too. Thank you, for my birthday letter. You and Jonathan were the only ones who remembered." Will replied, making her frown. "I'm sorry."

Then, Molly gave El a hug as well, holding on tightly. "Where's Lucas?" Will asked, as they stood with Dustin. "He's at the hospital." Dustin replied, thinking they knew what had happened.

"Is he hurt?" El asked, making Mollys brows crease. "No...no he's....Oh God. You don't know." She said, looking at the two strangely.

Molly, Steve, Robin, and Dustin replied at the school, to drop off donations and help the others.

"Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some...some clothes and...some kids toys." Robin said as they went up to the desk lady. "Wow. It's already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?" The kind lady said, making Molly shake her head.

She cleaned her throat before she answered, seeing as her throat was dry, and her voice was scratchy from all her crying. "No. I don't think that we need one. Thank you, though. But is there anything else that we can do to help?" Molly said, making the lady smile.

As Molly was making a bed, she heard someone clear their throat, making her look up.


She hadn't seen him since that night, she was too afraid. "Molly. Hey. I didn't know I'd see you here." He said nervously. "Umm...yeah. I came to drop some stuff off, help around." She replied, sitting on the bed. "Oh nice." Andy responded, sitting next to her.

"Andy, we need to talk." Molly whispered, looking up at the boy sadly. "I know...and I'm sorry." He said, making her smile. "I really do love you, Andy. And you're an incredible guy. But after you threatened to break Erica's arms, I don't know...it just doesn't sit right with me. She's 12, Andy." Molly said, holding his hand.

He looked at her with tears in his eyes, breaking her even more. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just...Jason made me think all these things. And I thought she was apart of it." He replied, making her shake her head. "Jason was heartbroken, and blaming everyone for anything that was happening. But what they're saying on the news, it isn't true. Eddie isn't a killer. He never hurt anyone." Molly whispered, feeling a tear roll down her cheek.

"I love you, Molly Hargrove." Andy whispered, kissing her lovingly.

Molly enjoyed the kiss, but she knew it was their last, as she pulled away. "I love you too, Andy. But I'm sorry. I just can't be with you, not right now. Not until everything is fixed." She said, bringing her hand to his cheek, wiping away his tears.

"I know. I'm sorry."

As Andy stood up, Molly quickly grabbed his hand. "You wanna know what the funny thing is, though? You managed to break my heart in less than 5 minutes. I'm pretty sure that's a world record." Molly said with a bitter sweet laugh, that Andy shared.

"That...that is what I'm most sorry for. And I will never do it again." Andy said, before smiling, and walking away.

Then, all of a sudden, the room got dark. Molly stood up, and met Dustin outside of the school, them sharing a confused look. The sky was grey, and cold.

It looked dead.

——————————End of season 4—————————

It's finally done! Season 4 is done! I'm sorry this chapter took so long, schools been kinda crazy.

I wanted it to be as perfect as I could make it, and I hope I lived up to your standards. Please let me know what you think!

I'll see you next time, with season 5!

Love you all! Bye!


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