Chapter Ten: The Night He Came Home

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Callie and Minnie lay in bed as they were both high on gummies.

Callie looked straight up at the ceiling.

"How do you feel?" Callie asked.

"Tingly," Minnie answered as she raised her hand. "Fingers." Callie raised her hands and entangled hers with Minnie's, Minnie looked at Callie, smiling. "My lips." Minnie turned to her side as Callie did the same, Callie hesitated before leaning as she caressed Minnie's face, as their lips soon touched. They pulled away and smiled at each other. "Wow." Callie smiled. "Also… I think I have the munchies."

Both girls started laughing as Callie sat up on the bed. "Me too,"

"How about," Minnie said as she turned to Callie. "You stay here, and I'll go downstairs and grab us some snacks?"

"As much as they sound good," Callie said. "But I kinda wanna check in on everyone else, we can just hang down there."

"Even better," Minnie said as both she and Callie got out of the bed, both heading to the door.


Callie and Minnie walked past the party goers as they made their way to the snack table.

Callie went to grab a cupcake, and she licked the frosting as Tyler made his way toward her.

"Hey sexy," Tyler said as Callie rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You here alone?" Callie made eye contact with Minnie as she was looking at Tyler in annoyance too. "You wanna see my Tinky Winky?"

"First of all," Callie started as put her hands on Tyler's chest. "Don't call me sexy, and I'm with someone, So back off, be I do something I might regret."

"Let me get you a drink," Tyler said as he ignored Callie's comment. "Stay here. I'll Brb."

"He seriously can't take a hint," Callie said.

"He does have a taste though," Minnie said as Callie looked at her with an amused look. "What? Am I wrong?"

"No no," Callie said. "You're right."

"Oh my god," Noa said as she rushed towards Minnie. "You're here!" Noa brought Minnie into a hug as Faran walked toward the three. "Bryant! Yes!"

Callie watched Noa amusedly.

"Yo," Tyler called out as Callie looked at him. "Irish car bomb! Take it!"

"I'm good," Callie denied. "And I am with my friends now, so will you please get lost?"

"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "All the more reason to, like, loosen up."

"Tyler," Faran said. "She said she's good."

"Back off, Bryant," Tyler said. "Ya had your chance with this."

"Ew," Callie said.

"Settle down, Tyler," Noa said. "Or I'll get Shawn to beat the shit out of you."

"Yeah," Minnie agreed. "Or I'll just do it."

"As much as I love you three right now," Callie said. "I can beat this asswhole all on my own."

"Faran, Callie, come one," Greg said as he walked up to the girls. "Give my boy Ty here a chance. He's good people." Greg walked towards Faran

"Oh, Greg," Faran fakes enthusiasm as she pushes him away. "That couldn't be a more meaningless endorsement coming from you."

"Yeah, I'm good, bro," Tyler said as he looked at Faran. "She ain't shit." Tyler turned to Callie. "But you, I mean, you're so hot. And look at rocking those tights." Tyler held up the cup towards Callie. "Come on Santon, just have one sip."

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