Chapter 2: bad habbits die hard.

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It's been a few weeks since Midoriya's break from school, and boy was it hard. So much that he's formed darker circles under his eyes.

Everyone has lost count on how many times they've seen Midoriya mumbling to himself while isolated from his friends, though that's not even the worst of things.

Lately, He's been having a lot of outbursts. He's been mumbling while stuck in his own thoughts, and it was only when he gave Kaminari a concussion, did they learn to wait for him to be out of his thoughts before attempting to talk to him.


Currently, Midoriya was on his way to the local store to get some medicine to help him sleep better.

He was walking while mumbling, not really paying attention to most of his surroundings, but enough to make sure he doesn't get hit by a car.

While walking, the muffle of screams can be heard around him. Only for him to bump into someone.

One he made eye contact, he noticed they were a grown man with a mask.

"Watch where you're going you little shit!"

Midoriya had a hard time understanding what's going on. But then he noticed more details about the man. He seem to be in a rush, he was holding a bag, that was overflowing with... money?

And just like that it hit him. This guy just robbed a bank.

Before he could say anything, the man spoke.

"I don't got time for this! Next time pay attention to your surroundings!"

With that, the man took out a pocket knife and sliced him right in the face.. right across the eye.

Midoriya let out a blood curdling scream, holding onto his eye

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Midoriya let out a blood curdling scream, holding onto his eye.

The man looks at him, seeming to be in his own thoughts before a single thought comes to his mind.

"He's perfect."

The man formed a sickening sadistic grin under his mask.

"You've made this my lucky day, kid!"

Midoriya looked up at the man, struggling to speak.

Once he made eye contact, a wave of fear slithered down his spine, paralyzing him in place.

The man moved his hand to Midoriya's forehead. As soon as contact was made, Midoriya felt like a bullet was shot through his skull.

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