ꪖꪊꪻꫝꪮ᥅ᦓ ꪀꪮꪻꫀ!

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 Welcome everyone who is reading! most likely a Redacted ASMR fan!  As am i! 

A few rules for these one shots, theories, stories and imagines. 

1: No racism, homophobia, gendering, or hate of any kind will go on here, either in the chapters or the comments. 

2: If someone, or something that was said or done here made you or someone else uncomfortable, PLEASE reach out to me, and i will handle it. I do not tolerate any kind of harassment or harm to anyone ( mentally or physically. ) 

3: Requests: I will do 18+ Requests HOWEVER rules do apply.   1: Characters over 18 only ( all characters are, but still want to make that clear )   2: Safe only. If you requests a one shot that is unsafe for you or the character, i will refuse.   3: I reserve the right to refuse a request from ANYONE.    4: I take requests through private message only. Please do not spam requests in the comments. i will not respond and you will be blocked.    5: I will only do requests of characters i have heard of, and/or have listened to at least one of their audios. simply because i want to know their personality first.   6: any one shots that may cause mental stress of any kind to a reader will be denied. ( if i do add these kinds of one shots, i will add trigger warnings and separate the paragraphs. )  If i missed anything, feel free to add it in the comment section or pm me!

4:  this account is shared! If you would like to be an owner, please private message me. You should add your name, age ( 18+ only, ) pronouns, and favorite character(s)! If i ask for anything else, i will always add something like "if this is  private or sensitive to you, please feel free not to answer. " and you do not have too. I will also never take any ownership requests from the comments. Please do not.  I have a discord server as well! i will add the link once its ready, as it is still being set up ( Im sorry!! ) Please feel free to message me with fanart, playlists, or anyhting else of that sort and i can add it here! 

5: Have fun please! feel free to add onto any oneshot or imagine in the comments!! Bye! 

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