OC #1

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Designation: Vivienne
Age: 22 in human years
Gender: Femme/Female
Faction: Autobots
Rank: Warrior (But also a princess)

Designation: VivienneAge: 22 in human yearsGender: Femme/FemaleFaction: AutobotsRank: Warrior (But also a princess)Looks:

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Parents: Wildshadow (Sire/Father), Cyberspark (Carrier/Mother)

Siblings: N/A
Children: Aura (Daughter), Arsana (Daughter)
Friends: Anyone she can trust
Enemies: Anyone who hurts her is counted as an enemy, also Decepticons
Are you a guardian? If so, for who?: N/A
Sparkmate: Bumblebee
Relationship Status: Married
Alt mode:

Siblings: N/AChildren: Aura (Daughter), Arsana (Daughter)Friends: Anyone she can trustEnemies: Anyone who hurts her is counted as an enemy, also DecepticonsAre you a guardian? If so, for who?: N/ASparkmate: BumblebeeRelationship Status: MarriedAlt...

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Fear(s): Losing loved ones, betrayal

Fear(s): Losing loved ones, betrayalWeapons:

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Powers: N/A

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Powers: N/A

Voice: (Video above)
- Normally, royal families LIKE to be treated like royalty. Well, if you treat HER like royalty, you'll just make her feel annoyed. She'd rather just be treated like she's a normal bot
- Her sire doesn't support her dream to become a warrior, so she kept it a secret
- He also doesn't support her relationship with Bumblebee
- She and Bee were childhood friends

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