chapter two: The hashira hang out party

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Sanemi was walking around the flame estate she then bumped into someone and fell back but didn't the ground when the person she bumped into caught her. Sanemi look to see who she bumped into to see it was the sound hashira tengen uzui he was wearing a blue with white flowers kimono and his hair was in a bun with a braid around it. Sanemi had a bit of blush on her face as uzui righted her. 

Sanemi looked at uzui and sighed 'why why do I like him he has three wives but still' thought sanemi uzui sighed 'damn she pretty' thought uzui. Sanemi was wearing a black with red flowers kimono her hair was in a bun with a braid around it her bangs were braided to the braid at the bun with a purple flower hair pin. 

Uzui and sanemi started to talk they both walk to the living room. They sat on the couch when the other hashira arrive in the living room. Amaya looked at sanemi was was growing jelous at her looks and the fact uzui was sitting next to him. 

"Hey lets play a game" announce rengoku everyone looked at her. Sanemi sighed "sure lets play a game" spoke everyone one "so what game are we going to play" asked amya. "truth or dare" states shinobu everyone else just nodded. "I'll go first" spoke the inscent hashira shinobu looked around and found her target. "Truth or dare uzui" asked shinobu uzui sighed "dare" replied uzui and shinobu smirked "I dare you to kiss sanemi on the cheek" spoke shinobu uzui sighed turned to sanemi. Uzui moved his face down and kissed sanemi on the cheek sanemi felt her face heat up. 

"Truth or dare amaya" asked uzui amaya the winter hashira "dare" muttered amaya uzui thought about it "I dare you to tell us why you seem to be angry at sanemi for no reason" declared uzui amaya sighed. "I hate sanemi beacause I'm jelous that sanemi has your attetion most of the time because i've had a crush on you for years ever since we met but sanemi steals your attetion away from me" answered amaya.

They played truth or dare until it was late and they all ended up going to sleep at the flame estate. Sanemi woke up but she looked around and blushed deep red when she saw that uzui arms are around her and he is sleeping cuddling her. Sanemi sighed and yawned and layed her head down on uzui's chest and fall asleep.

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