Part 5

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Gareth managed to convince the guys to let Layla come with them. None of them realized Layla had a secret skill of making herself small. She didn't like being in peoples' way or taking up too much space especially in crowded areas.

Luckily their bus had more bunks than they needed and they had plenty of space to put their luggage. Obviously Layla stayed with Gareth in his bunk so it worked even more in her favor. She also learned she was really good at doing her makeup in a very small compact mirror.

She got really good at altering her clothes to be a little more stylish. Since she was going to be seen with a rock band she wanted to look the part. She'd buy pieces whenever they would stop somewhere and slowly build her arsenal of badass looks.

Her favorite outfit was a pair of ankle high boots, fishnets, a black denim miniskirt that had buttons all the way down the front, and whatever beat up band shirt she stole from Gareth that day. The fishnets have gone through a lot at this point in the tour so they had holes in them. She continued to wear them because it made the outfit look even better.

Her other favorite look also included a miniskirt and a pair of torn hosiery. Except this skirt resembled that of a private school uniform. She finished it with a cropped shirt of any kind.

It was an adjustment for her and all the guys being on tour let alone being on tour with the rowdy men of Mötley Crüe. Since they were traveling with such a popular group they got interviewed a lot. Gareth tried to keep Layla next to him as much as possible to keep him calm.

Despite his attempts sometimes they would request that she stayed off to the side. At one interview the only place for her to wait was in the green room/dressing room they provided. Both bands had to share the room so she kind of had to hang out with the guys she didn't quite know yet.

Layla was sitting in a corner on a couch flipping through a magazine. There was a space between her and one of the other guys at the opposite end. A couple of them had some small talk with her, of course that was before they started drinking, but nonetheless no one had bothered her yet.

The moment Tommy Lee sat next to her, all of that went out the window. She was minding her business just trying to ignore him when he put his arm around her on the back of the couch. She let it slide but prepared herself to run.

His eyes took in every bit of her. Her legs were crossed and the skirt she had on showed off her ass well. Tommy laid his head back on the couch acting like he didn't care.

"So you been following that little band around for a while huh?" He smirked thinking he was going to win.

"Corroded Coffin?" She looked up from the magazine. "Well I went to high school with all of them. I guess you could say that."

He nonchalantly nodded. "They don't know what they're doing sweetheart. You're wasting your time."

"I'm sorry?" She laughed softly, closed the magazine and set it on the floor.

"The little fluffy haired kid. He's had his hands all over you the entire time. Ditch him and let me show you a good time. I can show you how a really man fucks." He leaned in towards her putting his hand on her leg.

She looked down at his hand and watched it slide up towards her skirt. She picks up his arm by the wrist and drops it on his own lap. "No thanks. I'll pass. Gareth is my boyfriend, and he is more of a man than you will ever be." She got in his face. "In and out of bed."

Just as she was about to get up to leave an assistant for the radio station they were at came to get the others for the joint interview of both bands. They all follow, leaving her alone in the room, when the door closes Layla tears up and sniffles. Flashbacks to the party played out in her head causing her to breathe heavily.

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