Part 3

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The day of the competition finally came around and Layla went with them to help. Gareth was pacing back and forth freaking out. She grabbed him, making him stop.

"Look at me! Listen, you're going to do great! You guys have done this a million times and have perfected every song you guys know!" She shook his shoulders. "I will be right off stage the entire time! You got this!"

After taking a few deep breaths he calmed down and nodded. The entire band jumped when someone yelled their name from across the waiting room with all the other bands. A guy with a headset and clipboard looked into the crowded room before speaking.

"Corroded Coffin! You're up in five minutes!" The guy sat back down at the table in front of him.

Gareth turned to Layla looking scared. "I'm ganna be sick."

"Ok look I want you to sit and calm down. I've gatta do Eddie's eyeliner and I will be right back. Just sit and breathe please." Her voice was stern but concerned.

She went over to Eddie and made him sit so she was at eye level. Gareth sighed, laying his head back. When he turned his head he could see Layla clearly and her hair hung past her shoulders as she leaned over Eddie. He felt peace and calm when he looked at her.

He closed his eyes trying to stay calm then a few moments later he felt her hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes to see her as she sat next to him. "You ganna be ok?"

"Yeah I'll be fine." He half smiled.

Once again off in the distance they hear an announcement. "Corroded Coffin! Two minutes!"

Eddie roughly patted his shoulder, getting the others to follow. Layla walked with Gareth behind the rest holding his hand. When they got back stage she fluffed up his hair and did her best to get him worked up for the performance.

"You are going to kick ass and anyone who says otherwise is trash!" She playfully pushed him, getting his blood pumping.

The guys all huddled and she stood off to the side and was confused when they left a gap in their circle. "Babe what are you doing, get in here!"

She smiled big and joined them. Eddie as the leader started it off. "Ok guys this is just like any other campaign night! We're ganna kick some ass, get the grand prize, and maybe a few fair maidens along the way."

Gareth smirk looking at Layla. "Way ahead of you guys on that one!"

They looked up when the band currently on stage stopped playing and a loud voice came over the speakers. "Next up, from Hawkins Indiana, make some noise for Corroded Coffin!"

The audience started cheering and screaming. One by one the guys filed out, just as Gareth was about to go out she stopped him. With both hands she grabbed his vest, pulled him to her and kissed him deeply.

"You've got this!" She yelled over the audience.

He smiled and turned back to make his entrance with Eddie following out last. She watched proudly as they played seemingly with the same confidence they had in the garage. Every now and then Gareth would look over and see Layla head banging. Her subtle support made him put even more emotion and passion into his performance.

Lights flashed as they finished and the crowd was louder than before. Layla screamed excitedly as they came backstage. "That was fucking amazing!" She high fived all the guys as they passed by.

Layla ran up to Gareth hugging him. "That was fucking mental!"

After the last of the bands went on they called out three bands to come back on stage. Obviously they were excited to be in the top three but it didn't make the nerves go away. Layla watched Gareth fidget with his drumsticks as the first band got eliminated leaving them in the top two.

The Drummer in the BandΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα