question 10

151 1 10

Manny : hmmm, I like to color!

Robin : well, it's reading!

Harry : me with Manny and Robin watching our show

Sketch : draw, and or try to dye Robin to not be green

Tony : I simply do not have time for that, but it's drinking tea while having peace and quiet

Shrignold: trying to get people to join the organization and finding my special one!

Colin : Digital shit!

Lizzy : Language you mother fucker! *Smacks the back of Collins head* but anyways my favorite idea is just napping

Gilbert : spinning around, I like it

Steak : mainly cooking

Fridge : oh well, it's making foods I never made before

Loafie : hmm....I like to draw with Manny!

Spinach : cook, and watch cooking shows

Larry : drink

Magnet: I- Larry no- but anyways talking with Saxophone, were good friend's

Saxophone : hmmm, try to turn into my human form

Gel : just, look for someone I guess

Ask Dhmis questions! (this does include some from a roleplay me and a friend do)Where stories live. Discover now