Chapter 2

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I walked Alqua to the gate, seeing all the others waiting there for me. I had my brown cape with a hood on, hiding most of my golden hair. My daggers were strapped to the side of my beautiful horse, shimmering when the sunlight hit them, matching her coat. As I walked up to the others, the hobbits were in absolute awe of Alqua, while I felt Legolas' eyes on me the entire time. Kind of caught me off guard considering both of us were elves, and he was way more attractive than I was. As we were about to depart, I saw my sister run to us and pull Aragorn aside. Normal people wouldn't be able to hear their conversation, but my elven ears heard every bit of it. I smiled to myself, realizing she had finally confessed her love to him, giving him a token to remember her by.

"What are you smiling at, lass?" I heard Gimli ask me, pulling me away from listening to their conversation.

"Nothing, Master Dwarf. Just being nosy where I shouldn't be I suppose." I said with a soft laugh, earning a soft laugh from Legolas as well.

Aragorn joined back with the fellowship, a huge smile on his face and a slight blush upon his cheeks. I smiled at him, nodding in acceptance as he mounted his horse, pulling Frodo up with him. I grabbed Sam and pulled him onto Alqua with me, while Merry and Pippin rode with Gandalf and Boromir. Legolas had the pleasure of riding with Gimli, whom he apparently despised. I liked the little dwarf, as arrogant as he was I still found him quite funny and enjoyable to be around. I giggled at Legolas when he rolled his eyes with annoyance when he swung Gimli onto the back of his horse. We all took off on our horses, heading in the direction of Mordor.

"We are forced to make a choice, go through the mines of Moria, or attempt to go across the mountain. I believe the ring bearer should decide." Gandalf spoke up and said when we were in a fork in the road and forced to make a choice.

"I say we go through Moria." Frodo softly said from Aragorns horse.

"Well, in that case we must depart with our horses and go on foot from here." Gandalf stated as he got down off of his horse, smacking it on the rear to make it scatter.

I gently got off of my horse, then helped Sam down, pulled the reigns down so Alqua's head was even with mine. I softly laid my forehead against hers, closing my eyes and speaking softly.

"Meet me in Rohan, Alqua. Be swift." I whispered to her before removing my daggers from her side and attaching them to my back.

"You have a truly special bond with your horse, don't you?" I heard Sam softly ask me.

"I do. She has been there for me through everything. She even saved my life once."

I watched as Alqua ran off with the other horses, leading each of them towards Rohan. Once I could no longer see them in the distance, I turned and followed Gandalf as he led us to the mines of Moria. The journey to the mines was a short one as we were already fairly close, and as we approached there was a small body of water across from the door we were supposed to enter. The door was sealed shut, with a riddle written across the top.

"Now what are we supposed to do?!" Boromir exclaimed as he sat down in a frustrated manner.

"It is clearly a riddle we must figure out." I stated, annoyance filling my tone at his childish behavior.

"Oh, so because you are an elf you think you know everything?"

"Oh, please. Get off that high horse of yours and actually contribute to helping."

Boromir stepped closer to me in a threatening manner, causing me to place my hand on the hilt of my dagger, ready to pull it on him at a moments notice. As I was about to pull it out on him, I felt a soft hand on top of mine, attempting to calm me down. I snapped my head towards who was touching me, seeing Legolas' eyes meet my own and him softly shaking his head side to side. As I was about to open my mouth to defend myself, I heard a small voice by the door.

"What is the elvish word for friend?" Frodo softly asked, looking behind his shoulder at all of us.

"Mellon." Gandalf said after he took a puff off of his pipe.

As he said this, we all watched in amazement as the doors began to slowly open, dust and rocks falling all around it. I heard something splash in the water and immediately turned around.

"Do not disturb the water!" Aragorn yelled at the little hobbit that threw the rock into the water.

I slowly began backing towards the entrance of the mines, when a long tentacle sprang up out of the water, grabbing Frodo by the ankle and lifting him into the air. I immediately drew my bow, firing a shot at the long tentacle causing it to drop him and he was caught by Boromir. Legolas was standing by my side, firing arrows left and right at the creature, fending it off long enough for everyone to try and run inside. I finally got sick of it taking so long, so I drew both of my blades and took off running towards the creature, slicing every inch of him I could get to.

"Vanimelda! What are you doing!?" I heard Legolas yell after me as I jumped over two of the tentacles, doing a backflip with my dagger in hand, piercing the creatures skull.

I looked up at him and jumped off, running towards the entrance with the rest of them.

"Someone had to take care of it. The arrows just weren't doing the job." I replied to him as the rocks fell at the entrance, trapping us inside.

"Well, there's that. I suppose we have no choice but to go through the mines." Boromir spoke up and said.

"This is not just a mine, it is a tomb." Gandalf spoke up and said to all of us as he light up the room with his staff.

I glanced down on the ground, seeing dwarves skeletons laying everywhere, arrows and axes littering the floor. I gasped out loud at the sight I was seeing, and heard Gimli let out a blood curdling scream of grief. Tears began welling in my eyes for him as he rushed to a body on the ground and collapsed next to it.

"No! This cannot be true!" Gimli screamed through the mine.

I slowly walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder as I kneeled next to him. He looked into my eyes, tears pouring out of his own, looking for comfort.

"Gimli, I am so sorry." I said to him as I continued to kneel next to him.

Soft sobs were coming out of him, when all of a sudden anger poured out as he shot up off of the ground and grabbed his axe. I jumped up from his sudden movement, accidentally bumping into Legolas.

"There is still one dwarf in Moria who draws breath!" He said, standing on top of a tomb that was in the middle of the room.

We all were standing there, watching his every action, when we heard the loud thundering of feet running through the mines right at us. Legolas and I stood right next to each other, drawing our bows to prepare for the oncoming attack.

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