Chapter Twenty Three

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Imani's POV

"Bae, when are we gonna get to see Melanie?",I asked as I played with his long fingers as we cuddled on the couch.

"Ion know. Whenever you want to, that's your friend not mine.",he said mumbled.

The front door swung open and Chris walked in and said,"Y'all bet not be fuckin on my couch."

I rolled my eyes and sat up,"Oh whatever Chris."

"Anyways, y'all need to get dressed because we going out to dinner.",he said.

"Where we going? I didn't know you set up reservations.",Trey asked.

"I didn't. Candace and her mom invited us over and I already said we going so yall need to go get dressed."

"Whose Candace?",I asked them as I sat up and yawned. There was nothing but silence between the two of them which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. There was no answer, in fact, they ignored me completely and acted like I never asked a question.
"One of you better tell me who Candace is or I'll f-"

"Yo Chris just tell her, she's gonna find out anyway.",Trey said.

"Tell me what?" I turned to Trey and muttered "She better not be one of your little girlfriends Trey."

Chris huffed,"She's my ex fiance aight?"

"Fiance?"My eyes widened "Why are we going there? Are you crazy? What if Melanie finds out? Does she kno-"

"Hell no! And she's not gonna find out either, do I make myself clear?",he said through gritted teeth.

I shook my head,"This is not making any sense. Why do I have to keep all your lies from my friend Chris? You ever heard of honesty!?"

"Trey, shut your girlfriend up. I'm tired of her running her mouth like that."Chris muttered walking upstairs.

"Shut me up?" I stood up from the couch ready to storm up those stairs and slap the shit outta Chris for being rude again but Trey held me. I pushed him off of me and grilled him,"Don't touch me! I'm so SICK of how you sit there all quiet when your brother keeps disrespecting me like that. I told you he's the reason I didn't even wanna come here."

"Imani I can't control what comes out of my brother's mouth. I've told him several times to stop talking to you like that so what do you want me to do?",Trey asked.

"Unbelievable. You Brown boys are insane. Chris is a rude, dishonest , lying cheat! And you kiss your brother's ass so fucking much its crazy!"

"Yo, who is you talking to?",Trey furrowed his eyes in anger. "If I remember correctly I picked ya homeless ass off the street and let you stay in my house and gave you everything you ever needed. So before you come at me sideways, remember where the fuck you came from! If I kissed my brother's ass like you say, ya ass would still be out on streets. Fuck outta here with that bullshit."

I was taken back by his harsh words and was only able to say,"Fuck you." before heading upstairs to go to dinner with these fucking assholes.

Trey's POV

Damn. I feel like such asshole for talking to Imani the way I did. I wasn't raised like that and the second those words left my mouth I immediately regretted them. I can just feel my mother up in heaven shaking her head at me. Even though it was true, I was still wrong for it.

It just pissed me off that she said I kiss Chris' ass all the time and that's not true. Chris never listens to me so whenever I tell him to lay off Imani of course he's not gonna listen. Thats just how he is. It usually doesn't affect me too much when he doesn't listen to me but now that it's affecting my relationship with Imani, I'm not havin that shit.

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