"What?" He questioned

"Love me?" She asked

Sean scoffed as he sat up in his bed and looked down at his girlfriend "I don't do love, princess, you know that. What I do however is fuck." He said before descending down and kissing her neck once again

A single tear fell from Natasha's eyes that night, because yet another man had taken advantage of her, had convinced her to trust him. And worst of all he had been recording her and possibly damaging her career in the future all in the process.


After Steve's phone call with Frank, he quickly walked upstairs to his and Natasha's room throwing his phone on the bed.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around the large room, not seeing the blonde on the bed reading, like she did most nights. Walking past the bathroom door he heard the water running from the shower head. Steve couldn't help the worry that crossed his mind.

'How long had she been in there? What if she's cutting herself again or worse?' He wondered worriedly

With that thought in mind, Steve knocked on the door "Natasha, are you okay in there?" He questioned pulling the blonde away from her terrible memory

A single tear ran down Natasha's cheek and she quickly whipped it away "yeah, I'm-" she took a deep, shakey breath "I'm okay." She replied lowly as she reached over to the knob of the shower and turned it off

Natasha stepped out of the shower and grabbed her towel off the hook hanging on the back of the door. Wrapping the soft white towel around herself, Natasha walked over to the mirror and whipped off the residue that had covered it while she was in the shower.

With a sigh Natasha put her hands on either side of the vanity and looked at her reflection in the mirror, for how long she wasn't sure. But she did know one thing, that when she looked in the mirror she was absolutely disgusted with the person who looked back at her.

How could she let so many people get away with hurting her? Why didn't she look for a camera that night? She should've known Sean would pull a stunt like that, especially after he disappeared into the room and came back to get her that night.

Natasha let out a shakey breath as she took off the pristine white towel letting it fall to the floor. Walking over to the hook, once again, she took the dark red nightgown off of it and slipped it over her body.

Now that she was dressed Natasha walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where she found Steve standing by the large window, his chest bare and a glass of scotch in his hands.

Natasha bit her bottom lip as she watched him, her body leaned against the bathroom doorway and her arms crossed over her chest, just under her bust.

Feeling the blondes present Steve turned around and walked up to her. Natasha watched him curiously as he got closer to her. Once he was close enough Steve reached over and grabbed her wrist, flipping them over to inspect them. He let out an involuntary sigh of relief as he only seen the scars from last night and no fresh ones.

Natasha tugged her hands away and fiddled with the hem of her nightgown as she looked down at the floor "I didn't cut myself, if that's what your worried about." She said lowly

Steve nodded "yeah, I can see that." He paused for a moment before grabbing her hands again

Natasha looked up at him, their eyes meeting as she did so.

"Natasha, why?" He asked her softly, his thumb going across the small scar on her wrist that was still a little pink, as it hadn't healed all the way

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows "why, what?" She questioned

"Why did you cut yourself? When I talked to Clint he said that you went in therapy, that you got better."

Natasha let out a huff, of course Steve would talk to Clint before talking to her, before giving her time to explain.

"I don't know, I guess the tape was a little to much for me to handle." She shrugged

Steve scoffed "that's exactly what Clint said." He paused for a moment, his eyes not leaving the scars that adorned her wrist "look, Natasha you're not alone anymore, you should've came to me."

"What would you have done?" She challenged with a cocked eyebrow

Steve shrugged "I don't know, be there for you." He replied "we have to be there for each other."

Natasha nodded slowly as she pulled her hands away and pulled the blond into a hug "Thank you." She whispered into his ear

Steve smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face into her hair, taking in her intoxicating sent. "I'll always be there for you Nat." He promised in a whisper

As they pulled apart Natasha's eyes landed on two small suitcases by the bedroom door and she furrowed her eyebrows as she looked back at her husband.

"What's with the suitcases?" She questioned

Steve glanced over at the bags before looking back at Natasha "I talked to my mom, she's very convincing ." He shrugged

Natasha cocked a eyebrow "so... we're going?" She questioned a small smile starting to form on her lips

Steve nodded "I've already packed all your stuff, minus the-" he cleared his throat uncomfortably "intimate stuff, you'll have to pack those yourself."

Natasha stifled a laugh as she nodded, she found it cute that Steve, of all people, got all flustered when talking about women's undergarments.

"We'll leave for the airport, tomorrow morning at 8 a.m." he added

"Okay." She replied as a slight smile crossed her lips

Steve nodded before he walked over to their bed and got under the covers.

Natasha smiled lightly as she walked over to the dresser and began to pack all of her 'intimate items' as Steve liked to call them.

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