Ye Duriyaa

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Chapter 1

The DNA report fiasco happened three days ago. Arnav was too angry. As soon as he saw the name & heading on the envelope he burst like a volcano. He screamed at Khushi. Khushi was confused about why Arnav was screaming at her. When she understood the whole thing She tried to explain it. But Arnav as usual didn't bother to listen to anything. He opened the door & marched outside. His heart was paining like hell because Khushi didn't trust him & went to great lengths to confirm her suspicion.

Instead of talking to his wife, as usual, he left the house. After an hour, anger was still simmering inside his heart, He wanted to break something. He wanted to hurt Khushi as she hurt him. He forgot one main secret of the relationship. One pillar of a strong relationship is conversation. One should never let the conversation stop with his partner. Once the conversation stops, the misunderstanding between the couple starts from there. Around midnight when his anger subsided he came back.

He was very sure that his wife must be waiting for him dodging on the sofa or dining table & will try to apologize. But this time it was too much. He was not going to forgive her. When he reached his room he got a shock of life. Khushi was sleeping peacefully. What the heck? Here I am burning with anger & she is not bothered at all. Now his anger was beyond the limit. He couldn't sleep at all. In the wee hours, the sleep had some mercy on him & he closed his eyes.

When morning rays touched his eyes it was almost 8 a.m. His head was heavy & he was feeling too tired. There was a cup of coffee & a tablet at the table. Arnav was very sure that his wife has kept these things but he was still angry so making his wife more guilty he just took the coffee mug & ignored the tablet. He got ready & reached the dining table. The whole family was already there except his wife. He didn't bother to enquire. He was tired of her drama so went to the office without bothering at all.

When we get angry we expect that our partner will cajole us, woo us or try to pamper us to get our forgiveness. He was angry but he was also expecting the same. He thought maybe Khushi will come to the office with a lunch box or at least call him to give some excuses. But he is not going to be easy on her. He will make her realize how much he is hurt. But nothing sort of happened. Neither she came nor she called the whole day. Now he was more irritated & angrier.

Instead of accepting so much from his wife, he didn't think that he should explain the reason for his anger & asked his wife why she took such a big step. Whenever Arnav got angry, Khushi would try to talk to him knowing his nature. On a few occasions, family members also supported them. But this time Khushi was heartbroken due to mistrust of Arnav so she did not initiate the talk.

That evening he had dinner with his clients but didn't bother to inform Khushi or anyone. Sheetal was also with the team. Arnav intentionally came back home with Sheetal. When they entered the house they both were laughing. All family members were surprised that their chhote was laughing so openly. They were too delighted. When Anjali asked Khushi to serve dinner, Sheetal told them not to bother as they have their dinner outside.

Nani admonished Arnav that at least he should inform at home. Arnav simply said that he forgot to inform & gave a brief look toward Khushi. He wanted to see the pain on Khushi's face. He got the reaction, the pain was visible on her face but Arnav couldn't notice that her heart was broken into many pieces. Her heart was screaming with agony as pain seared through her whole body. Only one thought was running in her mind that Arnav is aware of her insecurities. Still, he is playing with her emotions. She silently went inside the kitchen. After a few minutes when Arnav tried to find his wife in the family crowd she was nowhere to be seen. He was not aware that today's action was going to create more distance between them.

Earlier Khushi thought that when Arnav will be cool down she will explain to him that she didn't get the DNA test done. But when Arnav hurt her intentionally, she changed her mind. Now she wanted to see to which extent he will go. Insecurity and doubts destroy the relationship like termites destroy wood. Termites are so small insects that initially our naked eye couldn't see them. But when it damages the furniture, then we come to know. But by then it is too late. In the same way, initially, misunderstandings are very small. By simple conversation, we can resolve them. But when we forget to take that important step of conversation, distance comes in relationships. These small misunderstandings sometimes turn into jealousy & sometimes into insecurity. None of them try to speak with each other. They just needed a hug, a kiss & a little conversation but Arnav's ego & Khushi's Pride stopped her.

Two days passed in a haze. Arnav was waiting for an apology & Khushi was not ready for any type of conversation. She was aware that in anger he becomes blind but she also thought that it is too much why she always has to bear the burn of his anger. He is a mature person & he should be responsible for his actions. So she didn't bother to pacify him or initiate the conversation.

The Next day Arnav went to Bombay for some official work. Sheetal also accompanied him. It was purely business but he did not inform Khushi. he wanted to tell her but as usual his anger won. What a wife will feel when her husband is not talking with her but enjoying another woman's company? The 2 days trip was extended by 4 days. Unfortunately, Sheetal also stayed back with an excuse for work. She wanted to be near Arnav so she didn't let go of this golden opportunity. It was too bad for Khushi's heart. Maybe if her husband personally informed her & assured her that it was purely for business purposes then she wouldn't have bothered about it. But now she was heartbroken. Her husband was punishing her for a crime she did not commit. Old memories started haunting her when Arnav married her forcefully.

Arnav was not aware of how his action and his anger is affecting his marriage and his wife. His wife's insecurities were increasing day by day. They were moving away from each other. Whole-time he was expecting his wife's call. But nothing sort of happened. He was annoyed, he was sad. He wanted to reconcile. He was tired of this emotional battle. He was accepting so much but not bothered to take a step himself. He didn't think that to work for any relationship both people had to put effort.

Emotional baggage is the heaviest load. After almost 1 week he was totally exhausted not only physically but emotionally too. Now he wanted to forget everything, He wanted to sleep in his wife's arms. He was aching for her & he was sure that his wife must be feeling the same. With these thoughts, he landed in Delhi.

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