Chapter 12: Reinforcements Arrive

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"I think it's safe to say-"

Immediately I was interrupted by the deafening sound of helicopters hovering over us. "Ah shit they found us!" Jack yelled.

Soon several army men busted through the abandoned base turned communication center and yelled "HANDS IN THE AIR!" With their firearms pointed at us.

"Stay behind me!" Shadow ordered, he lit up an energy barrier and kept us three in it.

"Jack I'm going to take this barrier down in three seconds," Shadow said to his comrade while they were being rapidly shot at. "Try to explode as much blood as you can and Ezra try to fight your way through!"

Jack nodded and I was just lost in all the commotion. I turned on my powers and I had the bright idea to fuse Shadow's energy manipulation with even more energy so I kinda had his power, so I did so.

"THREE, TWO, ONE!!" Shadow immediately took down the barrier and he sapped several army men's life force, Jack followed and a bunch of men exploded from boiling blood.

"Kid they'll keep on coming, you better run for it!" Jack warned to me.

"Yeah I know, FUCKER." I snapped back.

Out of nowhere an enemy sniper shot a dart needle and it was too fast for Jack to react and it hit him.

"JACK!" Shadow cried.

"D-damn it I lost my ability a second time!" Jack exclaimed.

Shit, this is going to be harder.

Shadow held up another energy barrier and we ran out of the base while in the protective energy shield.

However we may have gotten out of the communication center but now there was military aircraft hovering over us, tanks with advanced technology and several army men surrounding us.

"Get to the cars!" Jack yelled, we all ran towards them while under enemy fire but the cars we quickly shot with a mini missile.

"Damn IT THOSE WERE EXPENSIVE CARS!!" Jack mourned the last of his money.

"They don't matter now." Shadow calmly said.

Shadow shot several energy discs at the tanks and planes and at the same time tried to drain as much life energy he could absorb from the army.

"They just keep on coming!" Shadow added.

"Energy surge you dumbass!" Jack yelled.

Shadow nodded and he energy surged, with giant waves of energy hitting all sides, essentially wiping out the main field.

"But what about the skies?!" I asked. "There's still aircraft-"

"Gah!" Shadow cried, with horror he sees a dart needle in his neck.

"N-no." Jack muttered.

"SHIT WERE DO THEY KEEP COMING FROM?!" Shadow looked up and saw a sniper peaking out of a helicopter. "I'm still not used my powers yet damn it! It's been 15 fucking years and I'm still not as precise as Emerson!"

"Doesn't matter now." Jack sighed. "We're done for."

"Not yet!" I reminded them.

With my new powers I made, I hit the aircraft with energy missles and shot them all down.

But again more reinforcements came, it was never ending.

I can't drain or explode blood like Shadow and Jack but  can at least get them out!

With more tanks and fighter planes coming towards us, I fused energy and the surrounding flames to create Energy Flare.

I controlled a hyper formed of fire and engulfed the aircrafts and tanks with a hyper fire.

I surrounded us in a fire storm, protecting us from the reinforcement army.

"Damn kid I didn't know you were this powerful." Jack said surprised.

"It's fine for now." I replied. "Let's just worry about getting us out of here!"

I engulfed the army in hyper flames, burning them to charcoal in mere seconds. Soon no more reinforcements came and it was just a firey wasteland, just as it had been before. I mean the city of Wellston was already engulfed in flames already.

"Nice work out there." Shadow patted my shoulder, "We would have died out there without you."

"But your abilities-"

"Don't worry Kusin has Chronomancy, he literally can reverse the damage done from these ability removing darts." Jack pointed out. "Though he'll probably berate me about the time I probably ate his last slice of pizza nine years ago."

"H-how are we going to get home then?" I asked.

"Hmm good question, Royal City is not a far walk from here so we'll just do that." Shadow suggested.

And so we did, walk all the way back to Royal City. It was a two hour walk but we did manage to get home.

Of course my mom came home from work and was mad that I was very dirty so I had to take another stupid shower.

I had a pretty wacky day but I assume that the authorities are going to really come after me now.

Champions 3: Knight Of The FutureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz