June 25, 1990

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4:32 AM
Just woke up, I still feel really tired, but I'm awake enough to be somewhat functional. I think I only got like 6 hours of sleep, considerably a lot compared to my normal days where I work with Thomas.

Anyways, not many of us are awake, we're not planning to get moving for at least a few more hours. I'm hoping all goes well so we can start off todays journey safely.

5:48 AM
Holy Shit. We just lost Carl earlier. The thing went after the poor guy when it showed up looking for blood. He thought he would be safe away from the tracks, but boy was he wrong. The thing crashed into a shed and devoured him shortly after. We took this as an opportunity to get the engines up and running.

We're currently moving away and have the current goal of finding more survivors if we can. James is in front with a flatbed and his shield along with another truck full of coal, and behind that is Thomas who has his own coal truck and water tanker. And Oliver is the last one who's carrying two more wanter tankers and a coal truck along with two vans carrying all of the other survivors. We're also keeping fire as low as possible as not to attract any attention.

9:02 AM
Oh my god, something's just recently happened.

We were moving down the line when James suddenly whistled out to us with a message, saying that there was a train off the line, and indeed there was. It was the blue tank engine, and Toad was with him, better yet he was ok! I unfortunately can't say the same for the tank engine, who according to James had a mutilated and detached jaw with blood coming out. I couldn't really look at it, I felt like I was going to be sick like what we found out happened to D261.

Toad also seemed traumatized by something, and after Oliver assured the brakevan to take deep breaths. And before long, he told us what happened.

Apparently, he hadn't really been noticed by anyone once he was on the mainland for some reason. But after the blast, he would survive and be stuck in the yard until the blue tank engine, named Edmund, had found him and added him to the consist after telling the brakevan he would bring him back to Sodor once they were done looking for survivors. Unfortunately, on the 24th when they were making their escape, the thing saw them and chased them. Edmund tried his best to outrun it, but he would end up crashing into a ditch where the passengers scattered like rats, only to be finished off by the tendrils. His crew had also gotten out to shoot at it, but to no avail as it also killed them too. And once the thing was done with them, it moved on to attack the locomotive and rolling stock. It was able to swiftly rip Edmund's jaw clean off and was about to finish him off until they heard Spencer's whistle before he shot past and the thing went after him instead.

We all felt bad for them, but thanks to Thomas and Oliver, they were able to get Toad and the coaches back on the rails. It also turned out there were a few passengers who had decided to play dead, but sadly, most of them were children whose parents had either been killed by the crash or the thing.

We desperately wanted to get Edmund as well, but his injuries were too grave and far beyond what even the workmen at the steamworks were capable of. So after some discussion, I got one of our guns and pointed it at Edmund, who still had tears running down his bloody and mangled face. I told him that I was sorry and I pulled the trigger. And even after writing this down, I don't think I'll ever get over it, even maybe for the rest of my life. But either way, we all hope he's in a better place now.

Anyways, we're currently tending to the few surviving passengers and looking for food, water and medical supplies. After that, we'll head back to base.

11:13 AM
I know that not much has happened in a while, but we've gotten what we need and we're planning to head back in a couple minutes, but I was to tend to the kids while we did so, and I think some of them like me a lot. And I really think its helping me after having to put Edmund out of his misery. Anyways, the names of some of them are Evan, Penny, Micheal, Alexa, and the list of the total survivors goes on, but not that much more. Heck, Penny's even becoming good friends with the teenager that was found yesterday, whose name was Tiffany.

I understand that I do have a wife and a young son back on Sodor, but since I'm thinking of taking a few of these kids in, I hope Liam likes the idea of having a few older siblings.

Anyways, back to business, we're currently gearing up, ready to take on that thing if it's still there. James and Thomas will be first, with Oliver further back with Toad and the other survivors to avoid putting them into danger.

We should be back to base in a few hours, so hopefully nothing goes south by then.

1:49 PM
Ok we've just gotten back and thankfully, the thing already left us be. But the shed was still broken through, and David and a couple others, not including myself, looked inside, and a few of them began retching. And when David got back, all he said was "don't look, and I'll make it better myself by sparing you to gory details." So from then on, we let Carl be and none of us dared to go in there.

Soon after this, Oliver showed up and we began formulating our next move. We're not sure how or whether we're planning to either kill the beast or outmaneuver it in some way or another. But we'll stay at base the rest of the day unless something happens sometime in the next couple hours.

9:12 PM
Alright, thankfully things were uneventful, but we've got an issue, Toad's brakes are jammed, this may cause us issues as Thomas and Toad were to be quick bait for the thing while the others gang up to take it on, but hopefully we can fix him tomorrow. I'm just sitting and keeping the kids company along with Tiffany, and I've also heard that Felix is starting to get a lot better, so that's a plus as well. Anyways, goodnight, hopefully, we'll survive another day.

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