June 22, 1990 "The Blast"

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2:34 PM

GOD DAMMIT, OF COURSE IT HAD TO HAPPEN NOW OF ALL TIMES!! We were traveling down to get back to Sodor, when a loud explosion rang throughout the air and loud sirens started to blare. David looked out of Thomas' cab and saw it, when he got back in, he described it as a big explosion, he also said it was in the direction of the power plant, but I think he already knew that I knew what it was. Thankfully, the signalman was still in the signal box to change the points, otherwise the shockwave would've likely killed us.

We ran and ran for dear life, I think I remember that we might have pushed Thomas faster than he had ever gone in his life. All of a sudden, we got diverted onto another line, and shortly afterwards, the shockwave hit us, and good god was it strong. But thankfully, the worst it did was almost derail us, but it also shattered the cab windows. But neither of those things stopped us.

3:10 PM

Ok, we've found ourselves in a small shed where we're planning to stay for a few hours before we keep moving. God knows how harmful the radiation out there is. All of us are fine with me being the only possible exception thanks to a few cuts from the shattered windows, but I'm still fine otherwise. But all of us are still scared from such an experience. I can only think of what these idiots think now about their choice to build a power plant in this little corner of the world of all places. Thomas and David are now worried about what's gonna happen on Sodor of the radiation spreads and affects the island eventually.

6:21 PM

Ok, we've finally made it to what we believe is a safe spot. Earlier, we found out about there being another station up ahead that we could stay at for the night and however much longer we may need to end up staying on this hellhole. Overall, we moved mostly slowly throughout the journey, but it was without much issue other than the fact Thomas was running low on water. We found some along the way and we used that to get us to the next small station which is near the town I think is called Foxfield unless the radiation is secretly making me go crazy. Anyways, we reached the station a few minutes ago and we went inside with several other people who had hid in the station when the explosion went off. We counted around 11 of them excluding the two of us and they were grateful enough to let us stay with them for a while.

9:10 PM

We've been sitting in this station for roughly 3 hours now. Thankfully, nothing bad has really happened in that time, but we do have a feeling that that won't be the case for long. And right after we made the entry, David and I got out and we shunted Thomas into a siding with two other coaches before going back into the station. God I hope the poor engine's ok out there. Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to go out there, but I just pray that we'll all be fine and make it to tomorrow.

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