Strawberry Cravings

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Jason sat hovering over me. We panted loudly as we stared into one another's eyes. "I've never craved someone more than you." His words repeated in my head. Jason finally got off of me. He sat down on his bed as we both spaced out and realized what had just happened. I quickly turned to look at him. "I should get going now." I mumbled lowly. "Yeah!" He responded jumpingly as he stopped spacing out. I headed for the door and held my hand on the knob. I began to think. "We should probably never do stuff like that again." I said and left as quietly as possible.

I had a ton of regret after what had just happened. I felt my lips with my finger thinking back to how his lips felt on mine. He tasted like a light strawberry milk. I know people say this a lot, but it was true, he was like a drug I wanted more and more each day. I finally had reached my house. I walked in and my dad wasn't sitting on his usual spot on the couch. My mom had texted me something about working late so I wasn't too worried about her. "Dad?" I called out. No response. "He's probably asleep." I thought to myself. 

I walked up stairs and entered my room. Should I have stayed at Jason's place. I wasn't tired so I decided to call my best friend. The ringing of the phone was enough to make me deaf. The phone began making a louder beep reassuring me obnoxiously that no one was going to pick up.

I had gotten up and exited my room. I was bored out of my mind. I made it to the first step of the stairs when I saw something from the corner of my eye. My parents' bedroom door was open, and a huge figure was cast upon their floor. I paused backing up slowly to investigate. "Dad?" The figure soon took form as I saw my dad's face. He had a blank stare and was motionless. "Dad!" I rushed to him shaking him violently.


-At The Hospital-

My mom soon ended her shift after I gave the news to her. She was distraught and wouldn't let go of me. She had soaked basically all of my shirt with her tears. Later that day we had found out my dad had suffered a massive brain injury. He had slipped. That wasn't even the worst part though. After the first news they gave us some water and sat down with us silently for two minutes. "We'd also like to inform you that your husband is in a coma." The lady doctor told us. I sat shocked as my mom's sobs started up again.

As we went back home, we both sat down in the living room. "How could this happen to our family." My mom choked on her words. "He'll be fine." I assured my mom. "We don't know that for sure." She sighed. I patted her on the back. "Let's just try and get some rest mom." I hugged her closely. "Thank you, sweetheart." Her sniffles were enough to make me break down again. I had to be strong though. I couldn't be seen breaking.

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