Chapter Two

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Tyson Williams

I walked into my company at 6am on a Monday morning, not looking forward to it at all. I was greeted by the standby security guard on my way in. I have a lot of work to do this morning.
I took my laptop put as soon as o got to my office ready to begin the day. I like getting to office before any of my employees it keeps them on edge.

I heard a knock on my door.
Come in. I said.
Good morning sir. My assistant Stephen greeted.
What are my schedule for today? I asked.
You have a meeting scheduled with the media house at 9:00am this morning. There is a meeting with the board of directors of Williams and Grants oil and gas. She replied.
What else? I asked
Yes sir... I.. hum.. Mrs Williams called this morning demanding your presence at the dinner she is hosting tonight. She said.
I sighed. This has gone on for too long and I don't understand what this woman wants from anymore.
I will see to it. You can go. I said.

I adjusted my suit as I strolled into the board for meeting with the media team. I was really hesitant in hiring them but they have a great review online and I had no choice, they haven't disappointed me as of yet.
I spent 45minutes with the team discussing the companies social media presence online. It is the face of the company during this digital and technological advancement stage.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and I excused myself from the meeting. I know Mr. Charles the head of department can handle the rest. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw Sharon my mother calling. I picked up.
Finally, I feel like I need to book an appointment before I see my son this day. She said.
Good morning, Sharon. What can I do for you? I answered.
Is that how you speak to your mother. She altered.
I really don't have time for this. Can you just tell me what you want? I asked impatiently.
There is dinner tonight and I expect you to be there. She said
I sighed.
No promises mother. I said and ended the call.
This woman gets on my nerves everytime.
Seeing that I am a successful businessman, I was thinking she would get off my back and give me some credit but she never does and I am done trying to please her or be good enough for her.
I checked the time as I walked into my office. I have a couple of calls to make to finish up some deal with my business partners abroad.

I checked the time and saw it was 11:00am. Time really does fly. I heard a knock on my door.
Come in. I said
Sir, I came to remind you of the meeting by 12pm. The driver is ready downstairs. Stephen said.
Good. I will be down shortly. I replied.

I really don't look forward to this summit. It is just an opportunity to show off and have business competitors gather in the same building and pretend to be interested in each other's business but I have to be their since I am a major sponsor of the event.

I inherited this business from my father when he passed away. No one in the family wanted the burden of a company on the edge of bankruptcy. I saved the business and built it up to what it is today. It was through my sweats, hardwork, determination and commitment that makes it what it is today.
The death of my father took on toll on everyone. He was the breadwinner of my family. We weren't particularly close but he was my father and we sometimes don't see eye to eye on some issues. I was never involved in his business as I was not interested in running his business. He death was sudden, no one expected it but we had to move on without him even though it wasn't easy. My mother soiled her grief with alcohol and neglected her children while mourning her dead husband. Our relationship has never been the same since his sudden exit.
I have a little sister that I adored greatly, she is in college right now studying medicine. I am incredibly proud of her seeing as I was unable to complete my degree.
I let out a breath as I realised I have wasted some time reminiscing and I hurried out of my office into the elevator and I pressed the ground floor button. I really need to get out of my head today.
Hello Mr. Williams. My driver, Ahmed greeted as he opened the door.
He's a retired military officer so he serves as my driver and security when needed he gets paid well for both.
How are you? Thank you. I replied as I entered my Audi R8. I never really drive but I love my cars a lot.
I relaxed into the back seat as Ahmed started the car.
Where are you headed sir? He asked.
Williams and Grants oil and gas. I replied and he nodded.
Twenty minutes later, we were driving through the street and I can see the office building afar off. The road is so busy I thought. My mind is so far away right now and I remember the dinner I have to endure tonight with my mother. I hope she backs off my case once I attend but I doubt that.
My driver pulled over in the parking lot of the company building and I came down from the car.

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