The Lone Ranger

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There lived a ranger
In a country far away
To many, a stranger
Yet a legend they used to say

Nobody there was as mysterious as he
And none more protective
He knows this is how life's to be
And no method more effective

The County Sheriff, Deputy and Chief
Wanted to thank him and arrange a meet
But they knew not who he was
The man who turned in half the thieves

The Lone Ranger is what they called him
Housing his battered past within
The tale though crazy and absurd
Was too enthralling to be left unheard

Having witnessed his family's murder
Grieving at the thought of it
How could he forgive himself
As the murderer was he

To right the wrong he'd done
Sought to crime fighting
Never for the fame
But was guilty all the same

No longer able to hold the secret
That burdened his feeble ageing heart
Cried his sin for God to judge it
Which subdued his guilt, a part

Years passed by
He was not to be seen
People torment at the increase in crime
Wonder where has he been

The Ranger was now at peace
With his horrid past dead with him
Repentance can change the mighty
Even a drunken murderer to a vigilante

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