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Theo arrived at Steve's house after being invited round earlier today and if Theo was being honest there were many reasons as to why Theo shouldn't and didn't want to be here but there were also plenty as to why he should.However Theo leant towards the more negative reasons.
Just breathe and keep calm don't lose your temper was the sentence Theo kept repeating in his head knowing he would need to remember it eventually no matter how far into the night he stayed.

As Theo was about to knock on the door it flung open.Only to reveal Steve stood on the other side.
"Hey Miller welcome to my humble abode and before you ask as to how i knew you were here" Theo wasn't going to ask but he wanted to know anyway. "I saw you pull up and thought why make you go through the sheer pain of having to wait for me to answer the door when i could be ready to open it for you"
Theo was not amused one bit but of course this was Steve he was talking to.
"Wow jeeze thanks Steve that means a lot that you thought of me" Steve went quiet knowing Theo was being sarcastic.
"Whatever Miller come in don't make yourself at home"
Theo said nothing and just stepped inside whilst rolling his eyes but before he could move any further Steve whipped around.
"Oh wipe ur feet on the mat man otherwise my mom will go ballistic"
So Theo did as Steve asked.Not that he liked taking orders from Steve anyway.

After grabbing a few snacks and sodas the boys made their way upstairs to Steve's room.
"Now before we go in Miller i just want you to know i bought these snacks and i cleaned my room especially for you coming"
A smile appeared on Theo's face but it wasn't like the normal ones he shot at Steve instead this time it was genuine.Steve smiled back the same way.The boys stared into each others eyes for a while until they realised what was happening and immediately let out a few coughs before finally entering Steve's room.

What.the.fuck.just.happened Theo asked himself he just smiled genuinely at Steve Harrington his Arch nemesis.That shouldn't happen.

The two youth made their way to Steve's bed and laid down the snacks on the bed and the sodas on his side table.Theo decided to sit on the desk after their interaction that had happened a few moments ago.
"Okay so i was thinking for the project we could do it about Issac Newton and his apple from the tree theory or whatever it's called i don't know" Theo said whilst making himself comfy.
"Yeah that sounds cool,honestly i know nothing about physics whatsoever so it's totally up to you Miller"
"Okay then Newton it is"

And so the boys began their project,Theo began writing it up whilst Steve read him all the notes they had made on Issac Newton.It only took them two hours to complete it and add enough decoration that would please Miss Williams.
"And done" Theo said whilst colouring the last letter on the poster.
"Cool well that's that im glad we got that out of the way" Steve replied
"Yeah me too"
An awkward silence fell over the room and then it happened again.The genuine smiling.The two boys giving each other their full attention except this time they didn't look away.Steve admired Theo's baby brown eyes and Theo admired Steve's "famous" brunette hair in which one strand fell over his eyes.
The boys in that moment got the exact same feeling.A warm butterfly feeling in their stomach a feeling they didn't like especially considering the fact they were enemies.

After a few minutes of intense silence Steve broke it.
"Why you sitting over there Miller ?"
"I don't know just thought it would be easier you know so we don't kill one and other"
"Yeah yeah of course that makes sense but we didn't which is good i guess"
"Hmm yeah that's good"
Steve shuffled back on his bed in order to make room for Theo.
"Look seen as we didn't kill eachother why don't you come and sit on the bed and we can finish these snacks."
At first Theo was stricken back by Steve's request and hesitated but he made his way over to Steve's bed.

"So what do you wanna talk about ?"
"Im not sure considering the fact a day ago we were ripping each others heads off" Steve replied with a short chuckle "I mean one thing i wanna know is why the hell you moved to Hawkins out of everywhere"
Theo hated this question and was tempted to change the subject but he realised if there was any way Steve and him were going to get along it would be by opening up to each other a bit more.
"Erm well me and my mum moved to Hawkins to get away from my dad you know him being a raging alcoholic who never gave a shit about his family"
Steve was taken aback
"Shit man im sorry" Steve Said with an empathetic look on his face.
"Nah it's cool,i got used to it after a while but then when he didn't come home one night and we went searching for him and my mum found him with some chick at the back of the 7 eleven.He tried to apologise by giving my mom a heap of cash which is when we knew we had to get away.Away from the fucked up person that was my dad and so me and mom took the cash and came to the furthest place away we could think of.That place being Hawkins."
Steve didn't know what to say the only thing he knew was that he had been giving Theo shit everyday since he'd been here and now finding out he's already been through so much Steve felt horrible.
"Hey well look at least you moved when you could and im sorry that i made your life 10x worse"
"You didn't make it-"
"Theo shut up i know i did,look maybe we could push the past aside and try to be friends instead of two people who hate eachother"
Theo liked the sound of that.
"Yeah okay I guess we could try that"
The boys gave each other that same smile again before Theo said his goodbyes and made his way back to his house.

Steve closed the door the same four words playing in his head : "try to be friends" astonished at his own sentence.

Little did he know Theo was thinking the exact same thing.

OKAY EVERYONE CALM DOWN ITS HAPPENING STEO ARE MOVING FORWARD TO THE FRIENDZONE !! On a serious note thank you all for the love you've given the book it means so much !!

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