DIY Longer & Thicker Eyelashes

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Say goodbye to fake eyelashes and say hello to your own natural eyelashes. Here some tips & tricks for stronger longer thicker luscious eyelashes.

Fake Eyelashes Look
1. Curl eyelashes with the eyelashes curler and apply first coat of mascara.
2. Get a Q-tip and put baby powder on it.
3. Apply on eyelashes (this separates them)
4. Apply as many coat of mascara.

Natural Eyelashes Look
Try use plain Vaseline or Petroleum Jelly instead of mascara. Use a clean mascara brush. This darkens the lashes, this wound cases to dry up to loose lashes and cake up like mascara. This is great for pool and beach days. Sleep with the petroleum jelly to help make health lashes.

Oils & Lubricants
Before sleeping brush a small amount of olive oil or castor oil on the eyelashes with a clean eyelashes brush.

Green Tea
Use cool unsweetened green tea to apply on the eyelashes with a cotton ball.

Gently message the eyelids to stimulate growth of eyelashes by increasing blood flowing.

Eyelashes Curler
Skip the eyelashes curler for a month to recover the damage eyelashes.

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