DIY Easy Hair Bow

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Make a bow by using your hair. Have someone help make this for you if needed.

Picture directions above.

Hair tie
Bobbing pen

1. Tie your hair in a ponytail in a 65 degree angle.

2. Pull the the hair tie to make a loop as grab the ponytail.

3. Put half of the ponytail in the loop. Make sure the hair is tight.

4. Split the hair loop in half. Make sure one side has a little more.

5. Hold both half

6. Grab strain of hair from the bottom.

7. Bring the bottom to the top of the bow. Do it on the other side too.

8. Grab the side with extra hair and pull enough to make the bow.

9. Bring the strain in the middle. Hold in place. Grab a bobbing pen.

10. Tight the middle. Put the bobbing pen to told the middle as place the on the bottom of the hair tie.

Tip: add hair spray if needed

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