Chapter 4: Nightmares?

Depuis le début

"Disgusting piece of fecal matter..."

My blood boils whenever I remember the words of that dog. The military was full of these parasites who can't be bothered to treat their subordinates with even a decent amount of respect, let alone treat these girls humanely. At least not all of them are like that.

Whatever. I will just sleep it off. Why did I even think about that dog anyway. I'm glad he is rotting in jail with the rest of his parasite friend.


I woke up to something tickling my nose. The sun has risen a little so my room is a bit lit up through the curtains. There is a weight on my arm and probably a few strands of hair on my face. I can feel something wrapped around my right arm and on my leg. It's a little hard but at the same time, soft. A soft breathing sound can be heard. I glanced to my right see a sleeping face. With little light entering my room, I can barely make out the face of the sleeping shipgirl. Long, brown, unkempt hair, and, based on what I'm feeling on my arm, a flat chest and small statue. Don't misunderstand, I can help it but feel them when their bodies are so close. One of the destroyers, probably Arashio? No, judging by the style of her fringe, this girl is not Arashio. Murasame? Nah, that girl is busty, unlike this one. This girl's fringe forms something like a small roof before flowing down to the side of her face. There is only two girls whose hair are like this.

With my free hand, I turned over the covers to reveal the answer. Clinging onto my right arm with one leg on mine was a small girl clad in a white, loose Yukata. So it is Zuihou this time. Which is rare. Zuihou isn't one to sneak in my bed in the middle of the night. She will usually ask for my permission. Her collar lay half open, exposing her white skin and other forbidden places. Can't be helped, that happens when one sleeps in a Yukata. It's just an inevitable accident, or so I tell myself. I could fix her Yukata, but if she wakes up while I'm doing that, there will be hell to pay. Besides, it's sexy in its own way. Wait, what am I think?!

My arm is starting to feel a little numb. I want to move it, but with Zuihou on it, it's a little hard to do so. Should I wake her up? I don't want to disturb a cute sleeping face. But then again, it's best for the both of us.

I gave the young girl a little shake,

"Zuihou, it's morning already."

"eheheh. Ad~mi~ral~" (Zuihou)

What is this adorable creature?! I'm sorry but I need you to wake up. I lightly slapped her soft cheeks,

"Zuihou, wake up. Its morning already."

"Mmgh~ Mh?" (Zuihou)

Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her amber colored iris.

"Admiral? Good morning~" (Zuihou)

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Could you lift your head up a bit?"

"Hm? Ah. Okay." (Zuihou)

With my arm freed, I shook it a little to let the blood flow again.

"What's wrong? It's rare of you to come to me in the middle of the night."

"I... had a nightmare." (Zuihou)

That's a first. Out of all the girls here, Zuihou is one of the lucky few who isn't plagued by nightmares or night terrors.

I sat up. She did the same as well.

"Want to talk about it? It will make you feel better."

"It was about Cape Engano. The sun had just risen. The black stars found us and started attacking. We fought throughout the day. Everything was getting destroyed. Akizuki, Chitose-san, I saw them dying in front of me. It hurts, it burns. Zuikaku and I tried to escape but..." (Zuihou)

Tears flowed down her cheeks. I passed a tissue to her,

"Thank you." (Zuihou)

"Take your time."

She blew her nose,

"The pain just kept coming. The last thing I saw was a bomb being dropped on Zuikaku. I tried to reach out but something hit my sides. Then everything became cold and dark." (Zuihou)

She continued to sob as I hugged the fragile girl. Sometimes I really wish I can make them forget such a past. This is regretfully the best I can do for them.

I stayed with her until she calmed down. It took a while but eventually she did.

"Admiral, thank you. I'm fine now." (Zuihou)

"You sure? If you are feeling unwell, you can rest for the day."

"I'm fine. Really." (Zuihou)

Zuihou got out of bed and immediately adjusted her Yukata. Her face flushed as she glared at me. I shook my head,

"Don't worry. I didn't see anything."

That's a lie. But she doesn't need to know that.

"Should we have breakfast together?" (Zuihou)

"Sure. I will meet at the mess hall."

We both know there isn't much time for her to cook before morning roll call.

"I will go back to my room and change. See you later." (Zuihou)

Zuihou smiled brightly and left my room.

"Alright. Time to freshen up myself."

Today should be another peaceful day of expeditions and patrols.

A nightmare about Cape Engano, huh. The first nightmare she had was the one where she originally sunk. She isn't one to have nightmares, let alone be affected negatively about her past. I would say she actually acknowledged and came to terms with it. During battles, she makes sures that the outcome won't go like Cape Engano and reformats her strategy on the fly. It has been 5 years since. Why have nightmares now?

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