Ozpin: This is bad.

Jaune: Indeed it is Ozpin and that's why we Guardians will handle it. Tell Ironwood and his forces to not interfere.

Flynt: They won't stand a chance against them Ozpin. Your weapons won't even have any effects on them.

Ozpin: But knowing Ironwood and Atlas, they will do whatever it takes to get whatever power these Hive have.

Nebula: They can try, all I see in the end is the entirety of Atlas being overrun by Hive.

Arslan: And we wouldn't want that to happen, right Ozpin?

Brawn: It will be a nightmare for us and a for Remnant.

Ozpin: (Sighs) I'll see what I can, but I have a question. How many of your forces did you bring to Remnant?

Jaune: Almost all the Guardians in the Tower as well a Kabal Army led by Empress Caiatl.

Ozpin: And who is this Empress you speak of?

Sun: Just an ally of ours.

Brawn: Yeah don't worry, just make sure you don't do anything stupid to piss them off.

Ozpin: Of course.

Jaune: Good.

Then all of a sudden, Jaune has an idea that popped up.

Jaune: Neb, do you mind contacting Lord Shaxx and tell him to set up the Crucible.

Nebula: Why?

Jaune: I just want to show the Students of Remnant and Ironwood what happens if you face us Guardians at full power, after all if you remember our fight, we were holding back tremendously.

Arslan: He's right, we could've killed them easily but decided to hold back, alot.

Nebula: Sure.

As Nebula began contacting Shaxx, Ozpin wonders why Jaune wanted to do this.

Jaune: It's a display of power Ozpin, I don't want anyone in Remnant underestimating our power, cause if they do. It will lead them to do their deaths.

Ozpin: I understand, I'll gather to Students.

Jaune: Excellent, we'll make sure not to disappoint.


It's been a few hours as the Guardians are finished setting up a Crucible for the Students of Beacon to watch. Meanwhile Team Remnant is getting ready for the match.

Sun: Why did we decide to split the Teams, instead of fighting against a group of Guardians?

Dew: And why did you make Nebula the Leader of the oppoising Team?

Nadir: Or the fact that Arslan is part of that Team?

Jaune is ignoring their complaints as before the match started, he had the bright idea of instead of facing against a group of Guardians why not face off against each other as they know all their tricks and methods in battle. He did it so he can amp up the stakes.

The Teams are as follows:
Team 1:
Jaune, Sun, Brawn, Neptune, Nadir, Bolin, Roy, Dew, Octavia, Neon.

Team 2
Nebula, Arslan, Flynt, Scarlet, Sage, Reese, Nolan, May, Gwen, Kobalt, Ivori.

Roy: So what's the match going to be anyway?

Neptune: Control.

Nadir: Capturing Zones huh, this will be great for us considering they have May on their side. We are for sure to win!

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