Chapter 2

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Abeke had just arrived at her new school she went to the office to pick up her timetable when she arrived and picked up her timetable she saw a teacher, so you are the new student I am Ms Lishay and I'm your home group teacher, hi my name is Abeke.

- home group-

Abeke was sitting at the back of the class due to her not knowing anyone then the bell which Abeke thought was more gong than bell rang, everyone rushed out the door Abeke wondered why they had home group as the last class of the day but who was she the person to judge Abeke went straight to the 7 11 that was near school and got a slushie then she saw the cute blonde boy with green eyes at the park and it looked he was being bullied then she thought maybe if she could help him he would notice her.


Come on Conor why don't you just tell us how you survived that wolf attack because you couldn't have fought it off so spill it Devin said, I'm telling the truth Conor said, I wouldn't believe in a million years that it that it was someone's pet and the owner found you in time, just then Abeke came, look it's the new girl a boy said, well I have some information you know that the bakery that is about a 1km (0.621 miles) away they're giving free chocolate creamed buns to people, how do you know that Rollan asked, my sister texted me saying that she got me one Abeke said, then the gang raced off to the bakery, thank you how can I repay you Conor asked while trying to cover up his blush, I know Abeke said and kissed him on the lips quickly, I know we barely know each other but would you like to be my girlfriend Conor asked, yes Abeke said, then a blinding light came and when it was gone a leopard was standing there looking at Conor like he was dinner and looking at Abeke like they were best friends, Uraza Abeke said out loud and the leopard just rubbed against Abeke's leg in response, Conor please don't tell anyone Abeke pleaded, don't worry I won't tell a soul because beilive it or not I summoned a wolf Conor said then putting up his sleeve revealing a wolf tattoo. For the record I told that gang a lie my sister does get food free but that is only because her boyfriend's family owns the bakery (that boyfriend is Shane) Abeke said, so I think we should go Conor said, sure where do we go Abeke asked, maybe the theme park Conor suggested, that sounds fun Abeke responded with pure joy.

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