Chapter 1

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For the record Conor, Abeke, Meilin and Rollan are 15 in this timeline and the other great beast summoners are 12 also they all go to school 🎓.

Conor was walking home from school wondering the same question is there a chance he would summon because he was the age (over time the age of summoning a spirit animal has gone higher and it is currently 15) but the chances of him summoning are the same as him being struck by lightning 5 time in a row impossible no one had summoned a spirit animal for over 25 generations in his family so he couldn't right? Hey blondie come here Conor heard a voice it was Rollan with his gang they constantly bullied poor Conor so when Conor heard their voices he ran as fast as he could but they caught up to him, they tied him up, let's make this easy just hand over your money and we will let you go pain free Rollan said in a smug voice, Conor wished his friend Meilin was here she would help him but she caught a cold because she was challenged to do something stupid in the rain and like the person she is she accepted it without using her brain. Then a blinding light came which made Conor feel weird inside when it vanished a wolf with blue eyes attacked Rollan and his gang they all ran for their life the wolf was coming to Conor but to his surprise, it didn't attack him it just freed him and sat there, Conor touched the wolf and the weird feeling inside of him vanished, Conor whispered Briggan and the wolf licked him I'm response, Conor's grandmother always said that they were related to the summoner of Briggan but Conor only thought that his grandmother was just telling a dramatic story as she does but she was right but that was impossible Briggan was a legend and like all legend they're not real right, I need to hide you somewhere Conor said to the wolf, then it vanished and became a tattoo on Conor's arm.

-The next day at school-

Conor was walking into school trying not to be noticed he was trying to find his senior friend Finn because he was the boy known for summoning a wildcat and as wildcats are super rare to summon he would ask him about Briggan but before he could even find Finn Rollan found him but before he could do anything Meilin came up, look who it is the idiot with F's in his report cards probably Meilin said, Rollan just ran off probably somewhere Meilin couldn't track him down, thank you Meilin Conor said, so I why was he picking on you sooner than usual Meilin said, follow me Conor took Meilin to the library at the very back where no one could see or hear, so what is it Meilin asked, Conor showed Meilin his tattoo of Briggan, you summoned a wolf Meilin said quietly knowing that it wasn't wise to say it loudly and also the librarian would tell her off, yes and it happened yesterday when he was bullying me after school and I was trying to find Finn Conor said, just then Finn showed up with his wildcat Donn, Finn perfect timing Meilin said, you need something Finn asked, Conor just showed Finn his tattoo, you summoned a wolf Finn said, Conor just nodded.

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