Acting buds.

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(Emil p.o.v)

I was standing over Teddy as he slept in his bed trying to get him to wake up.
"Teddy? Teddy?" I whispered till I decided against it. "Teddy!"
As soon as I did that Teddy screamed from the surprise making me smile.
"Oh, good. You are awake." I told before the door opened and Ashley rushed in holding a lamp.
"I heard Teddy scream!" She told as she tried to blink her eyes so she would wake up quicker.
"It's all good Ashley. Teddy just had a fright." I explained making her give a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank god." She told putting it down and walking over to be next to me as Teddy was still in bed.
"But it's good that you are now here. For, I have fantastic news. I have taken the liberty of signing you up to be my scene partner in the big showcase." I told looking towards Teddy
"What? Why would you ever do that? Oh, I get it. I'm still dreaming. Which means I can fly!" He exclaimed as he threw his blankets off of himself and flung his whole body off making him land on the ground in a thud.
"Not a dream." Ashley stated as I nodded with her.
"This isn't a dream. Which means you really did sign me up for the showcase! Why would you do that?" He asked as he quickly stood up.
"Why did you sign him up as well?"
"Because your encouragement convinced me that we shared a singular vision. And also that you wanted to do it." I stated
"I don't want to be in your play. It'll be humiliating."
"Teddy, I know you are worried you will embarrass yourself, because you are a terrible actor."
"I wouldn't say that...." Ashley began before I cut her off.
"But fear not. My talents will shine bright enough for the both of us." I explained
"I'm not the terrible actor. You are!" He exclaimed making me pull a shocked look before breaking into a smile.
"Ahh! I really believed you. Maybe you can act." I told before moving to make the rest of my bed.
"Look, I would have said something earlier, but I was trying to be a good friend by letting you go and embarrass yourself."
"Teddy, if I'm such a terrible actor, then why do I have three Buronie Awards and thousands of adoring fans back home?" I asked
"Maybe because you're their prince and they tell you what you wanna hear. Not even Ash will tell you that you stink!" Teddy told.
"Ashley loves my performances. Don't you Ashley?"
"Yep. I love them." She told in her voice she only gets when she's talking about my performances, with a smile and a thumbs up.
"Wow. I see what is happening here." I told as I figured out all this.
"You are jealous."
"Oh, what? No! You can't act. And you know, you don't have to gesture after everything you say!" He told mimicking what I would do when I act.
"Then how will my fans see that I am acting?" I told as I gesture what I was doing.
"It's definitely a choice." Ashley told.
"Ah, forget it. I do not need you, anyway. I can do it as a solo performance. And to think, I was going to give you the coveted role of Captain Barnaclebeard, the dead ghost pirate." I told before I began to leave the room.
"You do know all ghosts are dead, right? It's redundant." He exclaimed making me pop back into the room more.
"You are redundant!" I told shutting the door again.

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