Not this book again.

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Teddy was working on his application at his desk while I sat on Emil's bed since he was off doing something.
"Non-robotics extracurriculars? How about a theatre workshop taught by Will Smith? Hope they don't ask any follow-up questions." Teddy told himself as he typed it up.
"I mean, you aren't lying." I pointed out.
"Guess not." He told before the door opened to reveal Regina with a tray covered with a tray.
"Hey, Teddy. Hey, Ash. Would you all like to try the hottest new food trend in Peoria?" She asked
"Oh, you mean Sydney's cake pops?" Teddy asked as he stood up.
"Ooooo." I hummed as I got off the bed and stood next to Teddy.
"What? No." She told before revealing a small donut on a stick. "It's the brand new... donut pop. Boom!"
She gave us all one and it just looked like she just brought them from the shop.
"Looks like you jammed a stick in a donut." Teddy stated.
"That's definitely what it looks like. There isn't even any icing and that's always the best part of donuts." I added making her annoyed at the fact we haven't tried it yet.
"Just taste it." She told the three of us making us try it.
"It tastes like you jammed a stick in a donut." Teddy told
"That's definitely what it tastes like. Especially without icing." I added as Regina throws the tray into the bin.
"Dang it!" She exclaimed before going to leave.
"Uh, wait, mum. There's something I need to ask you." He told making her turn around to look at him. "How do I put this delicately?"
"Imaging it's a Band-Aid." I told making him nod.
"Emil is the worst actor in the history of the universe." Teddy quickly told.
"Okay, that wasn't a question or delicate. What's the problem?" She asked.
"Well, he signed up for the class showcase and I'm worried he's gonna humiliate himself." He told as they came and sat down on the edge of the bed. "You think I should tell him how bad he is?"
"No no no! You should definitely not tell him that. It'll crush him and that's not a good thing." I slightly explained knowing I can't go into full detail.
"Well, normally I would say that honesty is the best policy, but... if he's not hurting anybody and he's having fun, I say just be a friend and support him." Regina told
"Yeah. Maybe you're right. I'm just glad I don't have to go up there."
"Oh, and mum, I actually did like the donut pop." Teddy told making her light up.
"Nah. I was just trying out this whole lying thing." He told as he chuckled making her jokingly push his head back a bit making him laugh.
"You do give helpful advice mum." I told before Emil walked in with a scarf like he's an actor. "Oh my."
"Good news! I have chosen the perfect scene to showcase my... exceptional acting talents." He told as he flicked the scarf around his neck as they all stood up.
"Fun! What are you going to do? The Wizard of Oz? Romeo and Juliet?" Regina asked as we all stood up next to one another.
"Regina, please. This is not a children's acting workshop." Emil told
"Yeah, it is." Teddy told.
"It's literally a school workshop." I added.
"I will be bringing to life my favourite graphic novel, Cowboy Carl vs The Dead Ghost Pirate." He told as he showed it.
"Oh my god you still have it." I told in slight shock.
"That sounds awful..." Teddy told before Regina kinda cut him off.
"Remember what we said about...." she whispered to him so Emil didn't hear.
"Awfully amazing! I mean, I'm surprised more people aren't performing the works of... Laszlo Humperdinck." Teddy told in a somewhat fake excitement.
"I think some people are put off by his criminal record." Emil stated.
"No one ask." I told at the same time as Teddy began to speak.
"I'm afraid to ask...." Teddy began before Emil cut him off.
"Public urination."
"That's why." I told with a sigh.
"And there it is." Teddy told.
"Well I'm going to go make some more food." Regina told before leaving.
Teddy went back to filling out his application and Emil came over and pulled me into his arms for a hug.
"This is nice." I quietly told with a smile.
"Will you cheer me on for my performance?" He asked as he looked down at me with a smile.
"I always did it before. Why would I stop now?" I questioned making his smile grow and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
'Despite his performing skills not being the best. I will always watch his shows.'

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