♡ C H A P T E R 7 ♡

518 9 0

TW:slight jealousy and yelling

Your POV:
I quickly said hello to the other boys and bid them goodbye as Hyunjin crossed his arms and started storming off. I quickly went after him, rolling my suitcase along with me. I followed him into their dorm, I shut the door behind me as he angrily stomped up the stairs. I turned back around and started to make my way up the stairs, struggling with my suitcase a bit. I sighed as I finally made it to the last step. I saw Hyunjin enter his room. I made my way down the hallway and entered in after him. Right as you walked in, there was a king sized bed to the left of the door, across from that was a television stand with books and shoes in the cubbies. To the right there was a desk with various art materials and next to that was an easel. Hyunjin sat at the foot of his bed with his arms crossed and his head hung low. I shut the door behind me and sighed.

Y/N:Hyunjin? I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Hyunjin:Yes? He spoke in a bitter tone.

Y/N:What's wrong? I placed my suitcase to the side and stood in front of him with my arms crossed. He sighed.

Hyunjin:Nothing. He muttered but I couldn't hear him.


Hyunjin:Nothing. He spoke slightly louder but I still couldn't hear him over the sounds of the city.


He looked up at me with an annoyed expression as he interuppted me.

Hyunjin:Nothing! Nothing, ok?

He raise his eyebrow in frustration.

Y/N:I seriously don't believe that.
I said in a sarcastic tone. He rolled his eyes at me.

Hyunjin:Jesus, Y/N! Did you not see the way Chan was fawning over you?! And you just let him?! I could see tears start to form in his eyes as his voice got weaker. A stray tear fell from his eye which he quickly wiped away.

Y/N:Hey, look at me. He crossed his arms and looked at the ground.


Y/N:Look. At. Me. I spoke in a more assertive tone.

Hyunjin:No! It's embarrassing. He spoke in a hush tone in the last sentence. I gently placed my hands on each side of his face, making him look at me. He placed his hands around my wrists, trying to pry them off while frantically shaking his head. I could tell he was panicking. He had no success.

Y/N:Hey, hey. I said in a calming tone, causing him to stop shaking his head and look me in the eyes.

Hyunjin:What? He said in a weak voice.

Y/N:You need to talk to me. You need to trust me, not only on the dance floor but, emotionally as well. If we don't have a good relationship, I can guarantee our duet won't work.

I calmingly rubbed his cheeks as I spoke.

Hyunjin:Fine, I'm jealous. He finally admitted.

Y/N:Of? He sighed as tears endlessly flowed down his face.

Hyunjin:It's stupid, really I know. But, when you spend most of your teenage years and you adult life constantly with other people, nothing is ever really yours. You-you were my friend first.

I slightly chuckled.

Y/N:It's not stupid. Everyone has their own emotions and own way of feeling, even if it's over silly things. But Hyunjin, just because I'm aquatinces, I'm not really friends with the others yet because I don't know them that well, doesn't mean I'm going to forget about you. I look up to you. I admire you and your work.

He slightly smiled.


I nodded my head.

Y/N:Mmhm. Don't tell anyone this but, Gun-il and I went to college together. He loved Stray Kids, he had Chans picture in our dorm. Now, he went to school for drums and I went for dance. I had never checked Stray Kids out, I only knew who Chan was at the time. But, Gun-il knew how much I admired dancing, and he told me to check out your dancing, and I did. I was blown away, Hyunjin, you're amazing. The way you move, it tells a story. Dancers are born with natural talent and you inspired me to tell stories with my dancing.

I could feel myself start to get emotional as he sniffled.

Hyunjin:Wow. I had no idea that's how people think of me.

He slightly smiled.

Hyunjin:Thank you and, I'm sorry. He let go of my wrists and I sat next to him.

Y/N:No need to apologise.

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