Chapter One - A Window of Possibility

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But hopefully one day i'll get to watch one live. Paying for the tickets and snacks with my own money, the money I earn from my sold paintings or painting business. Who knows, New York is filled with an abundance of wonder and curiosity. 

I swipe some deodorant on, before grabbing my purse and Nokia phone - that has seen much better days, but is my only source of keeping in contact with the world. 

Making my way through the grungy apartment building, I step out into the hustle and bustle of the busy New York morning. Fast pace walkers pacing up and down the concrete sidewalk, pushing past one another as they all aim for their set destination. 

The hot summer sun beams down on my skin as I begin my walk down the street. I place my sunglasses on my face and walk down to the subway, the instant smell of urine and body odour engulfing my senses, but i'm immune to the smell now. 

Ah, the subway. 

The best and worst thing about New York. Pro: it's efficient, fast, and for people with hardly any money it's great way to get around. 

Con: it smells like urine and there is always at least one or two creeps riding with you. They just stare at you with these beady hungry eyes, but not something I haven't experienced in my 21-years of living as a woman - sadly

Stepping off germ city, I walk down the street all the way to the nannying office I work for. The bright blue A Nanny's Diary sign comes into view as I push past the thick crowd of on goers, up and ready for the new day. 

The crisp cool air calms down the heat crawling over my body, and I take the steel elevator up to my bosses office. Just breathe Daphne, she's not going to fire you. Who knows, she could be offering you a new job?

That's one way to think, i'm really hoping she's called me in here today to tell me I have a new nannying job and not fire me. No clue why she would fire me, she doesn't have a reason to. But you never know. New York city is a place where anything can happen, especially when you least expect it. 

Which is why I just expect the worst I guess. But when you've been through shit, it tends to make its mark on you. Or scar.

"Morning Daphne, take a seat," My boss Chanel greets me with her warm smile, guiding me into her small office. Okay good sign, she seems happy and doesn't have an 'i'm about to fire you face'.

I take my two dollar sunglasses off, and take a seat on one of the metal office chairs in front of her very messy desk. Ranges of papers, folders and other pieces covering the wooden desk scatter across the wood piece. A visual representation of my mind.

"Morning," I reply, a warm but slightly nervous smile taking over my flushed face.

Summer and me just don't mix. I love the warm weather and some of my favourite memories are from summer. But the sweat in every crevice of my body, and flushed red on my cheeks isn't very appealing. 

"So, I have a new nanny job for you," She says, placing her folded hands on the desk.

I internally scream. Thank goodness. Definitely didn't think she was going to fire me, don't know who thought that.

"That's great, where about?" I ask, trying to conceal my excitement.

"Carnegie Hill," she says, and I almost choke on my saliva. Carnegie Hill? 

Am I even allowed around there?

"O-oh," I stutter.

"I know," she says with an excited smile. "So you'll be nannying for Dan Thompson, single father of two girls. Hallie who's six years old and Bridie who's three," She explains and I nod, but hardly process her words.

Against ReasonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ