C H A P T E R - 2

Start from the beginning

"What is the story about?"Atsushi,a 5 year old boy dressed in a frog onesie asked while munching on his treat.

"Hmmm..."you narrowed your eyes."Lets read and find out,shall we?"you looked at everybody who clapped their hands and agreed.

The story is about a pair of twins who's mother died,so they have to live with their stepmother and her daughter,both of them cruel and wicked.They are forced into poverty since they are little.They run away from home and wander through the night in the forest,searching for a place to stay.They find an abandoned wooden house where they spend the night in.In the morning,the two are thirsty and hungry,so they go looking for a spring.The wicked mother,who is a witch,casts a spell on all the water resources in the forest,so anyone who drinks from it will be cursed,transforming them into an animal.

The first spring would transform anyone into a tiger,while the second into a wolf.The twins are lucky enough to escape the first two spells cast upon the clear water,but at the third spring,the brother,already thirsty enough to risk his life,can't take it anymore,so he drinks from it.As a result,he transforms into a deer.

Years pass by,and the children become teenagers,then young adults.The two decided to live in the forest forever,so,when a group of hunters follows the deer home to where he and his sister live,their initial plan goes down the drain.To the twins' surprise,among the hunters,the king of the land,a young,handsome man,is there.Upon seeing the sister,he immediately falls in love with her and asks her to marry him,which she accepts.

As they move in his castle and the couple go on to have a child,the wicked stepmother discovers everything that happened.She gets into the castle,kills the queen and transforms her ugly,disfigured daughter into the king's beloved,lying to his face and acting like her.

The queen's ghost visits her baby for three nights straight,and on the third,the king finally realizes what happened to his true wife,exposing to everybody who the stepmother and her daughter really are.

Whilst the two evil witches are punished,the daughter sent in the woods to be eaten by animals while the mother being burned at the stake,the king brings the queen back to life by embracing her.Upon the stepmother's death,the brother turns back into human,and all of them live a long,happy life in the castle,undisturbed by wicked stepmothers and jealous stepsisters.

When you were done,some of them-most of them-were already asleep.A part of them still had the snacks in their hands while sleeping.It was so cute,you wanted to squish their cheeks.

"Ok now...Time for the song."you said in a lower tone to not wake up the kids who were already asleep.you sang 'Twinkle twinkle little star' and a few more lullabies for those who were still awake after the fairytale,and when you were done all of them were asleep.You chuckled and slowly got up from the chair,making your way out of the room.You were welcomed by Hinata's glare."Um...Everything alright,Hina?"you asked.She walked away angrily.

"I am gonna kill you."She said through gritted teeth.You shrugged.

"That's a crime,Hina."You said.

"I know that,dumbass."She turned to face you with a glare.

"Ouch."You said at the insult."Are you on your period or something?"You whispered and she rolled her eyes,turned on her heel and walked away.You walked after her."Hinaaaaaa~Talk to meeeee~What have I done?"She stopped in her tracks.You saw the pink haired girl clenching her fists tightly.You were now outside the orphanage,the warm wind hitting your face,blowing your hair to the side.

"You gave them sweets at night."She angrily said,not turning to face you.

"I always do that though."


"They have been crying every night after you the past month."Her fists unclenched and she turned to face you with sadness in her eyes."They love you,Y/n.They see you as their older sister."You saw some tears threatening to stream down her cheeks,so you hugged her.

"I know...I was busy with work.I am sorry."you caressed her back softly and she took a deep breath,burying her face in the crook of your neck,her arms wrapping around your waist.

It's not like you have an obligation to be here,but it's kids that we are talking about.They get attached.You aren't blaming Hina for being mad at you.You actually blame yourself for making her mad.You just disspeared for a month and let her handle the children all by her own,without giving any sign of life.

You heard Hina sob."Thank you so much."She said and hugged you tighter.

"Is this why you are sad?"you asked and she just stayed silent,not breaking the hug.You realized that there was something else,so you broke from our embrace and held her shoulders,looking into her eyes."What happened,Hina?"

"We got a letter 4 days ago."She said while looking away and you widened my eyes.

"From who?"

"It was from someone saying that they want to buy the land."She said and looked down.You knew what this meant.You clenched your fists."They said we need to evacuate by the end of the year."

"This shit.Show me the letter."She looked up at you with wide eyes after hearing your demanding tone.


"I said show me the letter.Just because they have money,it isn't that easy to buy a land."You informed.

"That means that..."

You hummed."Ishii is still the owner.Even though I am sure he wants to sell this..."you held your index up in the air,making a circular motion to the area."You can file a lawsuit against him."

"A lawsuit?"Hinata asked.You nodded.

"Ever since he got this place,he hasn't been taking care correctly of it.The walls and ceiling are about to fall.He is basically neglecting the orphanage.Given the fact that living children are staying here,he puts their life in danger by letting them be raised in unsanitary conditions."

"Yeah but...Its his building..."Hinata looked down.

"It doesn't matter.He is not living here on his own.This is an orphanage where innocent children are staying in.Even if he is the owner of the land,it can be taken from him if he doesn't provide enough living resources."

Hinata sighed in relief and embraced you again."Thank you so much,Y/n.I don't know what I'll do without you."


"Is she serious now?"

"Why the hell is she so nice out of a sudden?"

"I swear...She must die."

"She does."

"We will kill her..."


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