My secrets

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A/n: For her fun eyes, the bottom one is how I imagined it, but you can change it if yo want to. Please vote and leave comments.

I know my life seems confusing to everyone who wasn't there for the first year. Even if all the drama hadn't happened it would still be confusing. I have two dads, a mom, a little half brother and an uncle. My dad's are Sirius Black, or as his friends and I call him, Padfoot, and Remus Lupin, who we call Moony, although I haven't seen Padfoot since I was one. It's not like he left us willingly. He would have done anything to stay with us. He was sent to prison for something he didn't do, but we'll get into that later. My mother is Lily Potter. She carried me for my fathers, and thanks to a little bit of magic, I have traits from both my fathers. My uncle isn't related to me by blood, my uncle was like a brother to Padfoot, if you were with them or even heard of them during their years at Hogwarts, you would know my uncle is James Potter. My mother and uncle were killed, protecting my brother and I. A man had heard a prophecy, saying a boy, born at the end of July would be the one able to destroy him. He immediately suspected my little brother, seeing as they were the same in one way, they were both half blood. And a man we all trusted, gave away our location. Although, I can't really call the first one a man, and the second one is a coward, and a traitor, and, well, I've been told not to say words like that.

Our mother was fully muggle born, and my uncle was from a pure blood family, though he didn't care, so my brother was half blood. Padfoot was from a long line of respectable purebloods, though he rarely talks to any of them, a couple who aren't Death Eaters, one being Nymphadora Tonks, my cousin and godmother. Moony's a half blood, I'm not the best with math so I don't really know what percentage I am, although I couldn't care less.

I'm a metamorphace, like Tonks. (If you call her Nymphadora she will kill you) I can change how I look. Although my eye color will change based on if I'm feeling a strong emotion. If it's love, it'll turn pink, happy is purple, since it's my favorite color, or yellow, blue when it's sad, orange for excitement and since I have my mothers eyes, I normally keep them green, but if I'm in a fun mood I'll change them so one is red and one is violet, when I'm numb and emotionless, they're black, that's only happened one time, when I realized I would never see my mother or uncle again, or most likely my father, because no one really gets out of Azkaban, and no one has ever broke out. I'll keep my hair purple and blue normally. If I'm angry enough, my hair and eyes will become red, it only happens if Malfoy is being, well, Malfoy, or someone mentions Peter Pettigrew.

I continued to write to the stranger who has helped me so much throughout these last two years. At the beginning of my first year at Hogwarts, Moony gave me a piece of parchment, explaining that someone else has the other piece, and the person who has it is willing to help me with my anxiety, and nightmares. All I know is he's a Slytherin, in my year, and he acts like a prick because his family makes him put on a certain face. He has become like a brother over these past two years, even though I don't know who he is. The parchment works like texting, except only we can see what we write and what is wrote to us.

So, remember how when we first started talking, I told you I would reveal my identity when I thought you wouldn't freak out? The person wrote.

Yeah, and I've told you I won't freak out. I wrote back.

Well, I sent your dad a letter, saying I thought you were ready, and he agreed.

WAIT! So does this mean I'll know who you are? I wrote, excited, beyond hell. My eye's turned orange.

If you want to, then yes.


On our second day of classes. Moony told me to tell you to stay after Defense Against the Dark Arts, a few people have a surprise for you.

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