His first thought is to pull away. His second is that he's never imagined what Seokjin looks like. He doesn't even know what color his hair is.

Hesitantly, Taehyung caresses Seokjin's head, threading his fingers through his strands of hair. It's soft and silky. Then, his thumb brushes Seokjin's cheek. He doesn't realize what he's doing as his hand comes down to fully cup his cheek.

Seokjin stirs slightly, making Taehyung flinch away. He pulls his hand back, holding it with his other hand, feeling like a criminal. What did he just do?

Taehyung focuses on Seokjin's even breathing and just to make sure he's asleep, asks, "Seokjin?"

Seokjin doesn't respond but Taehyung's heartbeat continues beating wildly. At this, he scolds his heart for there is no relationship between him and Seokjin. Only that of a patient and caretaker.


"What's this?" Taehyung ponders, feeling the object in his hand.

"It's a white cane," Seokjin tells him. "The doctor says that you should start using it now that you can walk again."

Taehyung opens his hand, dropping the stick. It clangs as it hits the floor causing Seokjin to wince. "I don't need it," Taehyung protests, crossing his arms.

"It'll help you navigate by yourself," Seokjin explains, picking the stick up.

"I'm fine the way I am," Taehyung replies weakly. It's quiet as both know that Taehyung is wrong. Yes, he can move around but with Seokjin by his side. To sum it up, he's dependent on Seokjin.

"If you want to help me navigate the world better than get me a service dog," Taehyung murmurs.

Seokjin cracks a smile and goes along, "What dog do you want?"

"A Pomeranian," Taehyung answers, direct.

"A Pomeranian?" Seokjin chuckles. "A Pomeranian won't help you. You need a big dog."

Taehyung seems upset by this but sighs as if agreeing with him. "Where's the walking stick?" he asks, holding out his hand.

Delightfully, Seokjin hands it to him. "I'll teach you how to use it." Before he could show Taehyung how to extend the stick, Taehyung sends it flying across the room. Seokjin's jaw falls open.

Then he has the audacity to say, "Fetch."

Seokjin feels his whole face turn red and he dashes out of the small house.


Seokjin's sitting on the steps of the big house. He sighs as he wraps his arms around his knees. All he wanted to do was help Taehyung. Instead, he got ridiculed by the alpha. Of course.

What was Seokjin thinking? Did he believe that Taehyung was different from all the other alphas? Yes, yes he did.

Seokjin closes his eyes, willing the negative thoughts to go away. He's being sensitive and is overreacting. Taehyung was just joking. Yet, Seokjin is still hurt.

Does Taehyung see him like a dog? Always so eager and ready to do anything for him. That's what he's supposed to do, isn't it?

He's supposed to take care of Taehyung and help him recover. He's a caretaker, nothing more. Has he forgotten that?

Seokjin stands up. He should go make lunch and do what he's supposed to do. He should also forget the whole dog fiasco.


Taehyung doesn't say anything for the whole day nor does Seokjin. When night finally falls and Seokjin steps into the small house, he sees that the mess Taehyung created earlier has been cleaned up. However, the white cane is nowhere to be found.

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