I notice dog-Sirius looking at me from the doorway, his head tilted. I just shake my head slightly and he must understand what I'm trying to say because he nods before walking away.

Nothing really happens at all through the night. The werewolf just sleeps, cuddled up with me. He gets up to pace a few times but would always quickly return to my side.

Just as the sun begins to rise, James, Sirius and Peter - now in human form - walk into the room.

I move from the werewolf before it begins transforming back into my boyfriend. Peter throws a blanket over him as I turn back into myself.

"So, Remus is protective of you both as a human and a werewolf," James smirks.

"Shut up," I say, pushing his arm.

I go sit down on the floor beside Remus, casting all the healing spells I know that will hopefully help him to not feel as bad when he wakes up.

I smile slightly when his eyes flutter open.

"Hey," I say softly. "How do you feel?"

"Not too bad actually," He responds, sitting up. "I mean, I'm obviously sore from having my bones rearranged, but I don't think I have any new scars or anything."

"Hmm, I wonder why that is," James says sarcastically, a smirk on his face.

Remus looks at me in confusion.

"Ignore him," I say. "He's just being an ass."

"He's always being an ass," Remus says. "But what specifically is he being an ass about now?"

"Last night, you were very protective over Y/n," Sirius answers.

"Yeah, you'd growl at us whenever we tried to go near her," Peter adds.

Remus groans, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"Welp, that's embarrassing," He mumbles. "I am never showing my face ever again."

"It's not embarrassing," I insist, running my hand through his hair. "I thought it was sweet. And you just slept for almost the entire night, it was quite peaceful actually. Now come on, I know you said you're not feeling too bad, but I think you should still go to the hospital wing."

He nods slightly before lifting his head from my shoulder. I press a small kiss to his cheek before standing up and we all leave the room so he can get changed.

He walks out a minute later and I take his hand in mine as we begin walking through the tunnel, towards the school.

Remus is only in the hospital wing for about an hour before being told he can go.

Even during classes all day he's fine.

I'm not though, I'm fucking exhausted. After James, Sirius and Peter left last night, they just headed to their dorm and slept, and Remus was asleep most of the night, but I felt like I couldn't sleep in case the werewolf became restless.

Apparently my exhaustion is obvious.

"Hey, wanna skip the last class?" Remus whispers to me as we take notes in Transfiguration.

"That depends," I respond. "What've we got?"

"Potions, but all we're doing is revision," He says. "So we wont be missing anything if you'd rather go to bed and have a nap."

"A nap sounds nice." I nod.

He reaches over and gently squeezes my hand before returning his attention to the lesson.

Once class is finally over, we head to his dorm.

We get changed into pyjamas and cuddle up in Remus' bed. He holds me close to him and gently plays with my hair until I fall asleep.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now